An old life

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Virgil was happy. He had friends and a family. He was loved.
"Virgil. Can you pass my pen? It fell under your chair." A girl asks him.
He was sat in English, everyone getting on with their work.
He grabbed her pen and handed it back.
"Thanks, oh, by the way. Two guys were looking for you this morning. They were in the parking lot. I know they don't go here. Friends from your old school maybe."
Two guys from his old school...
It made Virgil nearly sick.
If they knew were he was going to school, they knew wear he lived. They could ruin his new life.
Didn't he deserve a fresh start? Hadn't he been through enough? And why today? He had  been to court yesterday and faced his father. He didn't have the energy to face them.
At lunch he sat in the library in near silence. His friends talking to Patton's as they had on Friday.
The day goes by.
Each second dragging him closer to the moment he'd have to look the monsters of his past in the eyes. All three of them.
The final bell rings and Virgil stands up. It was as if he had lead boots on as he trudged to the front door. Every step took pain and effort.
Right now, in a hallway of students and peers, he was alone. Alone and a mouse too be fed to the snake.
He made it to Patton's car but knew he'd take a few minuets to get here.
Virgil looks around. He could see them. Why would he? They wouldn't stick around all day. They probably gave up for the day. Even if it was only a little while, Virgil felt light enough to float away. The anxiety he had been holding all day melts away.
A hand grabs is shoulder. He is slammed back onto Earth again.
"Anxi! Nice to see you again."

Patton laughs.
"That was Dad joke, Logan!"
"No. Don't be absurd."
"Don't you have to get Virgil or something..."
"Virgil waits by the car and he's fine. He knows I take a few minutes and we're heading that way. You're the one walking with me, Mister." Patton smiles and Logan rolls his eyes.
"This is the most efficient way to the car park. You know, where I've parked my car."
"Wouldn't it be more efficient if you walked faster. I know you can. Your legs are so much longer then mine."
"You've got more energy though."
"Remy has the most, and he's tall."
"That's because all he does is sleep and drinks coffee." Logan points out.
"Sleeps or drinks coffee. You can't sleep and drink coffee at the same time."
"Both make sense. But you're right."
Patton and Logan walk up to Virgil just as two people walk away from him.
One of them kissed him on the cheek.
"Who was that?" Patton asks in his happy tone.
Virgil turns to him, eyes wide, hardly breathing and far too pale.
"They found me..."

Half an hour later Virgil was still having a panic attack. He was in his bathroom now, curled up and had thrown up.
Logan had come with Patton and had tried his best to calm Virgil down to no affect. Although he had been a great help for Patton.
"Can you call Roman on Virgil's phone? He helped when Virgil had a night terror." Patton asks handing Logan his phone while he went to try and get Virgil again.
"Do you know the code?"
"My birthday!"
Patton stops, "Wait, you wouldn't know my-"
Logan unlocks the phone and looks through all the contacts.
He narrows it down to two. Musical Mess and My Prince Uncharming.
He calls Uncharming.
"Hey, You don't call me. Ever..." Roman's voice says from the other side.
"Roman, we need you at the Darwin's. Virgil is having a panic attack. A really bad one. Patton's parents have gone to get Dr. Fluer. They'll be another hour yet though."
"I'm on my way. Try not to crowd him too much and someone will have to pay my speeding ticket."
Roman got there really quickly. Faster then he should of.
He doesn't bother with knocking and just goes in. He ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time and arrived just as Virgil threw up into the toilet again.
"I'm here. How is he now?"
"No change. It's the second time he's thrown up." Patton tells Roman, close to tears with panic.
"Do you know what triggered it?"
Logan steps forward, embracing Patton and telling Roman about the two boys they saw.
Roman went into the bathroom and shut the door.
"Hey Virg. It's me, Roman. I'm going to just pull your legs out, ok?" He says, placing his hand on Virgil's knees. He was curled up in a ball, which won't help. He straightened his legs and Virgil leaned back against the cold wall.
"Alright, good. Now, we're going to breath together. Ok. Like I'm sure you've Ben told a million and one times. In your noes, hold and out your mouth. Got it?"
Tears were still falling down Virgil's face and he looked like hell but he manages to nod.
They breath in sync. It takes a few minutes but Virgil begins to relax. Only a little but enough.
"What do you want? Do you want to talk about it or, can I get you something?" Roman asks, brushing some hair from Virgil's face.
"I don't want to talk. I just want to sit, and breath..." He mutters.
"Ok, call me if you need anything, I'm right out-" Virgil grabs onto Roman's arm.
"Could you... Stay...?"
"Of course. Anything." He sits back down and text Patton that everything was ok and to bring some water for Virgil.
They sit for a few moments before Virgil leans on Roman's shoulder. It takes a few moments but Roman pulls him in and holds him. Virgil holds him back and right then, they we're the most important people in the world to each other.

Hope you liked.
I'm in pain so yea.
I'm casting people as each side so if you'd like to audition then show me what you've got with the tag #anemotionalwreck on tiktok. Yeah...
And the spoopy bois are hanging around, but when do you get to meet them??

Cast needed:

💚 Remus and Deceit will be need soon but I have plans for their characters...

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