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Patton looked at the picture. "Your sister? I didn't know you had a sister. Where is she?"
Virgil sighed, "Alice hasn't been with us for years now..."
"Oh, Vee, I'm so sorry..." Patton says, reaching out and placing a hand on Virgil's knee.
"She's not dead, as far as we know. She left when I was about twelve. It's been four years..."
Patton give Virgil a sympathetic look, "We could always try and find her"
Virgil shook his head, "If she wants to be in my life, she'll show up"
Patton nods, "Well, either way, you look good in glasses"
Virgil smiles, "Thanks, Patt"

The next morning Virgil and Patton head to school at a more reasonable time. Arriving at Patton's usual early.They stood by Patton's locker like normal, chatting about all and nothing.
Virgil had worn Alice's false glasses to school. He liked them. They made him feel closer to Alice, where ever she had gone.
"We should swap glasses!" Patton announces excitedly.
"Because that's what people with glasses do!"
"But mine are fake..."
"But they're still glasses!"
Patton takes his own round rim glasses off and hands them to Virgil, whom pass his own over.
They both put them on and Patton giggles happily.
"Salutations--Virgil, you have glasses?" Logan arrived, looking a little confused.
Patton turned to face him and gasped, "Logan! We have the same glasses!" he says.
Logan looks more confused.
"That we do..."
"Pat, we should probably swap back. I'm getting a head ache." Virgil said, taking off Patton's prescription specs and rubbing his temples a little before putting back on his own.
"An excellent choice in style. Although, I was unaware of need for ocular support. You sit so far at the back of most of your classrooms. Would you like to move closer to the front? I find it helps. I have a good repore with most of the staff. I woundn't mind-"
"Thanks Logan, but they're fake." Virgil cuts Logan off.
Logan makes a somewhat offended face, which he quickly hides. "Understandble."
"They're my sister's. It's a fashion thing"
Logan just nods, assuming everyone already knew about Virgil's sister, as he wasn't an official member of the friendship group.
"The only thing fashionable about those glasses is that they cover up your eyeshadow" A familiar voice says, striding into the conversation.
"Thanks, Princy, but the last person I'd take fashion advice from, is you." Roman gives a dramatic gasp, "Also, smart is the new sexy" Virgil says. Patton nods, agreeing and Logan blushes a small amount. If there was one thing he knew about himself, it would be  that he was the smartest person Patton knew.
"Darlings, stop insulting each other. The only person with any sense of style has arrived" Remy says, also arriving with Emile.
"Virgil, you look great. Connie wore fake glasses after being heald by Steven and it only made her more of an adorable character." Picani says smiling, wanting to contribute.
Virgil smiled in thanks and moved back a little out of the circle that had been created, like he normally would. He didn't like being the center of attention.
The conversation quickly moved on. The group talked until the first bell went, at which point they disbanded and went there own ways.
Logan and Virgil ended up walking to science together for their first class.
"Hey, Logan, how do you know where I sit in my classes? We're in different grades, how would you know?" Virgil asked, breaking the comfortable science.
Logan's heart skipped a heat as he panicked for a moment. He'd accidentally exposed himself back with the others. He needed to think faster then this...
"I helped a few of your teachers with their seating charts, I saw your name. I can only assume you sit at the back in most of your classes. Am I correct?"
Virgil shrugs, "Guess I'm consistent. Well, this is my class. See ya later" Virgil says, entering the class.
Logan took a breath and recomposed himself, heading to his own classroom.
What would the others think if they found out he basically stalked them?
He needed to collect as much data on each of them as he could. He wanted to fit in, which meant knowing them.
Logan had a plan to get close to Virgil to get to Patton, which ended up not needing to be done. Patton had taken his help when it came to Virgil. That's a good enough start.

Sorry for the short chapter. I'm currently working on a side project. It's a Logan and Remus based fic. Not a human au or anything. Just the normal midescape sides. Would that be something you'd be interested in? It's a bit more "Mature" then this, but hey ho. Anyway, what do you think?

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