05 - Resemblance

40 9 2

How more stupid can I get?

I kept repeating to myself as I was slowly walking down the dark street, following the woman that can only lead me to hell. It's been almost twenty minutes since she started walking away from me after yelling at my face. I started to wonder why she didn't take a cab, but then it's good for me, because I can follow her. And I really really want to know where she lives. Because her house means that I get to know where Calum lives.

All the way from the lecture I was praying that she won't look back properly. If she saw me I'd be screwed. So I kept walking as silently as I was able to and hoping it's not far from here.

I was lucky enough. After another five minutes she turned right and a huge house came into the view at the end of the almost empty street. I don't know why but doth the attitude and clothing she had it was surely the cream painted villa that belonged to the Hoods.

I was getting more and more assured when she went by all the houses to her left and right and then she approached the black, metallic mesmerizing gate and pulled her keys out of he hand bag. I hid behind a wall near their neighbor's house and glanced at her every now and then and when I saw her walking through the main door into the luxurious building, I sighed.

I haven't thought much about what I will do when I get here. I didn't really believe I would get this far, I was sure I'll get caught. And now I'm here awkwardly shifting form one foot to the other, fiddling with the laces of my hoodie and thinking hard about what should I do. I can't walk up to their door and ring, can I?

As minutes passed I was desperate and tired. I should probably go home and memorize the way how to get here and come here later when I know what to do. I shot one last glance at the house and I stopped at the sight of a light coming from a window on the seconds floor. From my position on the street I was only able to see some posters on the wall and a candelabra. But then, when my eyes got tired of watching the empty place, when my mind started drifting away and when my legs were tiredly ready to move, when I felt the burning disappointment in my chest and when I dusted my hands just to avoid frustration, something moved in the room. And suddenly, out of nowhere, there was a boy looking out of the window. And I froze in a motion because hell, he was beautiful. His tanned skin was gloving and shining to the night and his black quiffed hair sent sparkles and looked like dark velvet, his lips looked so kissable and soft and I felt weak in my knees and I knew this was him. And I smiled to myself. He was even better than once thought. And I smiled brighter when I turned to walk away.

And in that moment, when my feet hit the pavement, realization hit me just like a grenade. I knew him. I saw him. Somewhere. I met him. I just didn't know when or where, and it slowly drove me crazy.


Hi. I'm  sorry it took so long gosh and that it's so short. I have this huge block so I'm just happy I could write this.

Also on Friday I will be posting my new series. It's gonna be called Swimming club and there will be four books included Lashton, Malum, Larry and Jalex one. Make sure to check it out I'm  really excited about these.

Thanks for your support.

Big love Tess xx

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