The Pevensies Return

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(3rd Person POV)

Meanwhile, in the human world, the Pevensies are about to board a train to go to school. Lucy runs across the street almost being hit by a car.

"Mind yourself, love," The driver calls.

"I'm sorry," Lucy calls.

"Watch where you're going!" The driver says.

Susan is at a newspaper stand reading a magazine when she is approached by a boy.

"You go to Saint Finbar's?" The boy asks.

"That's right," Susan answers.

"I go to Hendon House. Across the road. I've seen you sitting by yourself," The boy explains.

"Yes, well, I prefer to be left alone," Susan says as she tries to go back to reading the paper so the boy would leave her alone.

"Me, too. What's your name?" The boy says.

"Phyllis," Susan lies.

"Susan!" Lucy calls shortly after. "You'd better come quickly." Susan sets the paper down and they take off across the street. They rush into the train station where there is a crowd chanting fight over and over again. Peter is fighting several guys at once. Edmund then runs past Susan and Lucy.

"Edmund!" Lucy calls. Edmund jumps into the fighting helping Peter. Soldiers then come in and break the fight up.

"Stop it. Break it up. That's enough. Come on. That's it. Get up. Act your age!" The soldiers say as the crowd runs. The Pevensies grab their things before walking over to a bench and sitting.

"You're welcome," Edmund says to Peter.

"I had it sorted," Peter states.

"What was it this time?" Susan asks as fights had become a frequent thing for Peter.

"He bumped me," Peter answers.

"So you hit him?" Susan asks.

"No. After he bumped me, they tried to make me apologize. That's when I hit him," Peter explains.

"Really? Is it that hard just to walk away?" Susan questions.

"I shouldn't have to. I mean, don't you ever get tired of being treated like a kid?" Peter says.

"We are kids," Edmund states.

"Well, I wasn't always. It's been a year. How long does he expect us to wait?" Peter says as he looks at the necklace around his neck, that held the ring he was going to propose to Athena with.

"I think it's time to accept that we live here. It's no use pretending any different," Susan explains before she sees the guy from earlier. "Oh, no. Pretend you're talking to me."

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