Not Again

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(Athena POV)

Edmund, Peter, Susan, Trumpkin, Caspian, and I are being carried by Griffins. Edmund is dropped down first on a tower and the Griffin takes the guard away. Edmund the flashes his flashlight three times signaling for us to come. As we close Caspian hangs by one arm from the Griffin and takes a guard out before the Griffin grabs him again. A guard sees Edmund using his flashlight. Susan kills the guard and Peter takes care of the other guard as his Griffin drops him. Susan, Trumpkin, Caspian, and I are all dropped from our Griffins as well. Peter, Susan, Caspian and I all scale down to Caspian's professor's window. Trumpkin heads for the gatehouse.

"Professor?" Caspian says as he taps on the window. Caspian opens the window and we all get inside. Caspian looks around before finding some glass on a table. "I have to find him."

"You don't have time. You need to get the gate open," Peter says.

"You wouldn't be here without him. And neither would I," Caspian explains. Peter looks over at Susan and me.

"You and Susan can deal with Miraz. I'll go with him," I say and Susan nods in agreement.

"And we can still get to the gate in time," Caspian states as he turns to leave.

"Be careful," Peter says as he catches my arm when I walk past him.

"I always am," I say before following Caspian. Caspian and I find the professor in the dungeon.

"Five more minutes?" Caspian says as he wakes the professor. I toss Caspian the keys.

"What are you doing here?" The Professor asks. "I didn't help you escape just so you could break back in. You have to get out before Miraz learns you're here."

"He's going to learn soon enough. We are giving him your cell," Caspian explains.

"Don't underestimate Miraz as your father did," The Professor states.

"What are you talking about?" Caspian asks him.

"I'm sorry," The professor says. Caspian turns to run but I grab him.

"Caspian, don't. Do not let revenge and anger cloud your judgment," I tell him.

"Miraz will die tonight," Caspian says before running off and I take off after him. Caspian sneaks into Miraz's room with me right behind him. Caspian unsheathes his sword and holds it to Miraz's neck which wakes him.

"Thank goodness you're safe," Miraz says.

"Get up," Caspian orders. Miraz stands but makes sure to wake his wife as he does.

"Caspian?" She asks.

"Stay where you are," He orders her.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

"I should think it's obvious, dear," Miraz answers her. "You know, some families might consider this inappropriate behavior."

"That doesn't seem to have stopped you!" Caspian states.

"But you are not like me, are you?" Miraz asks him. I try to keep my eyes on Miraz and his wife. "It's sad. The first time you've shown any backbone and it's such a waste." I look over at Miraz, taking my eyes off of his wife.

"Put the sword down, Caspian," Miraz's wife says and I see that she has a crossbow in her hands. I unsheathe my sword stepping out of the shadows.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you," I tell her as I point my sword at her.

"I don't want to do this," she says.

"We don't want you to either," Susan says as she and Peter enter the room. Susan has an arrow ready to fire.

"This used to be a private room," Miraz says and rolls his eyes.

"What are you doing? You bot are supposed to be in the gatehouse!" Peter says as he looks between Caspian and me.

"No! Tonight for once, I want the truth," Caspian says as he steps closer to Miraz. "Did you kill my father?"

"Now we get to it," Miraz says.

"You said your brother died in his sleep," Miraz's wife says.

"That was more or less true," Miraz states. I move closer to Caspian.

"Caspian, this won't make things any better," Susan tells him.

"We Telmarines would have nothing had we not taken it. Your father knew that as well as anyone," Miraz explains.

"How could you?" Miraz's wife asks as she lowers the crossbow.

"For the same reason, you will pull that trigger. For our son," Miraz says as he steps closer to Caspian, making the sword cut his throat.

"Stop!" Miraz's wife yells as she raises the crossbow back up.

"Stay right there," Susan tells her.

"You need to make a choice, dear. Do you want our child to be king? Or do you want him to be like Caspian here? Fatherless!" Miraz taunts as he continues to get closer to the sword as Caspian backs up.

"No!" Miraz's wife yells and I see her go to squeeze the trigger on the crossbow.

"Caspian!" I call as I shove Caspian and feel the arrow pierce my arm. Miraz runs and Susan shoots but misses him.

"Athena!" Peter calls out. I pull the arrow out of my arm and his in pain. Caspian looks at me shocked. "Let's go!" We start running through the castle as an alarm is sounded.

"Peter!" Susan calls.

"Our troops are just outside! Come on!" Peter yells and we all run outside into the courtyard. "Now, Ed! Now! Signal the troops!" Peter unsheathes his sword and starts fighting Miraz's soldiers.

"I'm a bit busy, Pete!" Edmund calls as he fights a soldier. Peter makes it to the gate and starts opening it.

"Peter! It's too late," Susan says as we reach Peter.

"We have to call it off while we can," Caspian says.

"No, I can still do this! Help me!" Peter states. Susan, Caspian and I start helping Peter.

"Exactly who are you doing this for, Peter?" I ask him and he doesn't answer. I'm scared of who he has become.

"Charge!" Glenstorm can be heard yelling as the Narnian army runs into the castle.

"For Narnia!" Peter calls as he unsheathes his sword. I unsheathe my sword and grab one of my sias. Peter, Susan, Caspian and I run into the battle. I look up to the top balcony and see archer from Miraz's army lining up. I make my way up there and start fighting them. Edmund jumps from the roof knocking one off the balcony. "Ed! Athena!" Edmund and I look to see all the archers point at us. We run through the tower door falling to the ground as they shoot at us. Edmund kicks the door shut and I feel a searing pain in my leg. I look to see an arrow in it.

"Not again," I say as I pull this arrow out and hiss. I make my way back outside to the battle cutting down Telmarines as I went.

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