F-Word Is Illegal, Connor

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Hank and Connor were working at their desks a week later. Gavin Reed and Conan came back to work after their suspensions and Jeffery Fowler allowed them back inside the department. Even after their dangerous fight, Fowler still persevered Conan and Gavin to remain as partners on the job. He warned if they were to quarrel ever again, then they would be fired for good, or separated as partners and find new people to work with. If that time were to come, it would depend on the kind of situation they were to put themselves in. Luckily, that wasn't gonna happen anytime soon. Conan and Gavin got along fine for the most part. Gavin was nonetheless grumpy while Conan was all the same as his decompressed self.

Occasionally, they would have a few bickers here and there about the most tedious and least fruitful issues they could ever argue about. Conan was piling certain papers that belonged in one section of his desk and kept the others in a second pile on the other side of his desk. As he was finished with that, he watched as his stubborn partner, Gavin, walked towards their desks with a full cup of regular black coffee. Before Conan could barely utter a warning, Officer Person stuck out a foot from beneath Gavin's feet, then all hell broke loose. Gavin fell flat on his face, hands, and stomach as the coffee spilt around him all over the light gray rug, creating a dark soaking puddle. Conan kept his lips tight as if trying not to laugh. He still had a serious expression, or at least, he tried for once. Hank was spewing out spit as he couldn't hold in his howling. He slapped his knee at least once or twice. Connor could only look shocked as every other police officer had their laughing fits, especially Tina Chen, Chris Miller, and Officer Wilson.

"Hah! That's what you get for being a racist towards androids!" Wilson pointed at Gavin as the angered detective got up sluggishly from the wet and steamy floor.

"Eh, more like a specist." Tina shrugged.

"Hopefully Detective Reed grows up soon and begins to accept the fact that Androids are just as alive as we are." Chris daydreamed that perfect wish. "Then we all will be accepting for once."

"Heh, doubt that day'll ever come. Right, Con?" Hank admitted his doubt.

"I suppose you are correct on that assumption, Lieutenant."

"It's not an assumption, Connor. It's a solid fact."

"YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!" Gavin seethed. "Who the fuck tripped me!?"

"Your mom!" A random police officer cracked. Hank exploded in hysterics like a child. Connor facepalmed at his father's immature behavior as he was hiding a smile in the process.

"God fucking damn it!" Gavin kicked the ground once then stomped over to Conan. "Hey, plastic tin can, did you see who tripped me?"

"Sorry," Conan pretended to feel bad, "I was typing before it all occurred."

"Bull-fucking-shit." Gavin grumbled. "You're supposed to be the smartest, quickest, and strongest android alive. How the fuck could you not catch someone trying to trip me?"

"Work is more important than a diminutive problem such as yours with others present in the office." Conan answered calmly. "It is best to continue your work. If you have enough time, you could retrieve an extra coffee whilst avoiding any further inconveniences."

"You fucking bastard!" Before Gavin could inch towards Conan and backhand him across the face, Fowler stood up from his seat and shouted, "GAVIN! Don't you even think about it!"

"Phck!" Gavin spat as he decided to jump straight to work without bothering to clean the rug, let alone pick up the coffee cup.

Everyone seemed to be working quite normally for the majority of the work day. Gavin and Conan will never get a day where they avoid each other from further arguments 100% of the time, Connor realized. This was another quarrel they were having in hushed whispers as Connor only heard the last part of it.

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