8 - Everything Went Wrong

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"Coming through! Oh! sorry ladies, but I need to speak to this fine man for a moment, if you please..."

"Aw, okay... Hit me up, alright?"
"We love you!!"
"C'mon girls, we'll come back later~"

Diarmuid sighed of relief. "How many times will you save me like this?"
"As many times as I need to." Cú smirked. "So, how you liking the party so far?"
Both of them turned to look at the purple haired female arriving beside them, sighing heavily. "Why did we chose this cramped up place as the party place. We could've just went to Fionn's!"
"Fionn's place, really? Listen, Scáthach, I know I'm poor, but I don't want to know that I'm a mere peasant compared to his royalty ass." Cú sighed at his turn.
"At least his house his spacious. Diarmuid, why did you accept this stupid pup's idea." Scáthach asked while ruffling the blue haired man's hair. Cú pouted at the woman.
"I don't know. I thought he asked me since you three couldn't manage it, so I took it up..."
The female shook her head. "You can be too nice sometimes Dia. That'll be the end of you one day."
"Pfft, I doubt it. Nice guys always get a good life... and hot chicks for a reason." The other man gazed at the women looking at Diarmuid.
Scáthach rolled her eyes.

At that exact moment, Fionn appeared from the crowd infesting the kitchen and entrance. "There's a whole lot of people here! I'm surprised we can all fit in Diarmuid's apartment." He let out a hearty chuckle.
"Hey. You're finally here." Dia waved.
"We're too cramped. Seriously..."
"'i'm surprised we can all fit in diarmuid's apartment', yeah yeah." Cú mimicked.

All three Lancers talked and argued, Scáthach disciplining Cú like usual, Fionn laughing at both of them, and Diarmuid smiled at their small show. Everyone at the party knew the famous quartet. Cú, the blue-haired shopkeeper across the street; Scáthach, the purple-haired female politican; Fionn, the tall, blond and rich soldier; and Diarmuid, the handsome retired knight. The party was in favor of them all being reunited once more, since with Scáthach being busy with her business, Fionn being required for battle and Cú with his shop, it was hard for them to spend time as a group. And so, they invited their other close friends to join them with a small party both the blue-haired and female lancer thought would be cool to organize.

"Diaaaa~ C'mere..."
Diarmuid turned around to see a woman, clearly drunk, on the balcony. His protective side urged him to go to her, and make sure she didn't fall off for whatever reason.
"Hey, go easy on the booze." He quickly took the drink out of her hands.
"Hm, no fun." Her mouth went into a pout. He blushed, finding it slightly adorable.
"I, uh, don't know you. Are you a friend of someone else's?"
"A friend of a friend of your friend's." She stood there, thinking. "Yep. If that made sense."
He acknowledged without even thinking about it, moving her closer to the apartment and not to the ramp. "Well, whatever the case, you should go back inside. I don't want a lovely lady like you to have a sudden death on these unworthy floors."
Her cheeks brightened even more than already before, and she twirled her hair. "I... I don't want to. There's too many people."
"In that case..." Diarmuid went back inside, took a folding chair that was in his closet and brought it to her, "... sit on this."
"Oh I couldn't! That's yours." She exaggeratedly refused.
"Please, just for your safety."
Her eyes locked with his, and he finally noticed her eyes were a mix of blue and green. His gaze focused on her face, then her body. She was very beautiful, more than he realized.
"I... Yeah, okay." She sat down clumsily.
He was heading back inside until she caught his hand in a quick motion. "Could you... stay?"
Diarmuid looked at her, and nodded, sitting down next to her.


"Did you see Diarmuid?" The purple-haired female said in slight panic.
Cú turned in circles. "Nope. He might be stuck with girls again." He smirked. "Time for the famous Cú Chulainn to go into action."
Fionn snickered at Scáthach, who just sighed in desperation. "I swear I didn't teach him his cocky attitude..." She said in defeat.

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