10 - Beautiful Lie and Painful Truth

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[A/N] Merry late Christmas, and Happy New Year! May 2020 treat us with kindness.


"Diarmuid always tried his best to make everyone happy."

The sadness emanating from Cú made you frown in pain. His usual soft and laid back features were contorted with negative emotions.
"Even when he was low, he wanted to make everyone hold their head up high. He was, and will be, the most loyal friend I have ever had in both of my lives..."

You just listened in patience. Hands together on your lap, you sometimes gazed down at them, not daring to see Cú's saddened expression.

"Let's get down to business." He inhaled sharply and let out a sigh. "I have read many, many books— spent many, many nights— just to understand in what situation Diarmuid is in. Once a Servant, but now a ghost. We've never seen anything like this before. So of course I went to go look at humanoid ghosts and see what happens with them."

He changed positions and now elbows on the table, hands holding his head. "I even met some weird psychics, multiple, just to see what they would say. And they all said the same thing, like the books I've read; souls who linger after death have unfinished business, something that they needed to do, find, discover. A ghost cannot live forever in this world, they'll be forced to move on at one point or another. And the average time they can linger for is... around 3 years."

Your eyes shot up at his red ones with worry. "But you said Diarmuid died three years ago, even a couple of months more!"

"That's exactly why I said he might disappear in a matter of weeks, or days... worst, even hours or minutes." He turned his head to gaze at you, and gave you a weak smile. You felt a pat on your head, and you let Cú be. You needed physical affection right now, words like 'It will be fine' or 'Everything's going to be okay' are not enough right now— they never are.

"So what do we do?"

Your throat was drier than you realized, and so the words that came out of it were broken. The blue haired shopkeeper sighed and shrugged.
"I know we need to figure out how to put all of this in to small words for him."

"I wish... he didn't need to live through all of this." Your legs came up onto the chair and you hugged your knees, in a fetal position. Tears started to well up in your eyes again and Cú rubbed your back in a slow, circular motion.

The blue lancer froze, and pointed his finger upward. "I got it. I know what I'll have to say." He stopped, and gazed at you, "Unless, you want to tell him yourself..?"
His eyes gazed directly into yours, and you hesitated. Will you be able to? You're going to be a mess if you dare even look at him after knowing all of this.

But for a reason, you head subconsciously nodded. Yes, you will say it. You'll tell Diarmuid yourself, if that's the last thing you could do for his poor soul. Inhaling, you nodded again to let Cú start explaining what he was thinking to say.


The door opened and you softly closed it behind you. Man, this was stressful. You were scared what Diarmuid's reaction would be. Putting your coat in the closet and taking off your shoes, your steps were gentle and barely made any sound. But like always, he noticed you.

"You're back. It took you all morning, what was it about?" His soft smile was so obviously a lie.
"I..." 'Shit, [y/n] don't fuck up now!' "I actually have something to tell you."

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