9 - From Past to Present

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Happy Halloween everyone! Don't get too spooked (;


The sun shined so brightly, it was the complete opposite of what they were feeling.
He could feel his eyes watering from the pain inside his chest.

His heart ached. He knew, it wouldn't be the same from now on.

"Diarmuid... Stop joking... please wake up..." he heard the purple-haired female say in pain, tears running down her face.
"I... Scáthach, I think-"
"I don't give a shit what you think, Fionn! He's... we can still heal him! Cú, help me! With our healing runes, we can- ...Cú?"

His heart ached too much, like if his organ ripped into pieces. Inhaling deeply, letting the tears flow down his cheeks, he flatly answered the woman.
"He's already gone."

Silence filled their conversation with dread. Small whimpers slowly grew into a scream, and then died down into a sob. Fionn tried his best to comfort Scáthach, but she laid forward, in front of Diarmuid's body where he laid restless.

"It has to be a Servant." The soldier told to himself.
Cú turned to Fionn, his tears continuing to fall as he tried his best not to let his voice break. The blondie showed no emotion of sadness whatsoever when he looked at Diarmuid's lifeless body, and that made his blood boil. "No shit, who else could it be? Fucking Mary Poppins?"
"Cú, be reasonable. We need to figure out-"
"YOU be reasonable, Fionn! He's fucking dead. Diarmuid is DEAD and you don't even feel ANYTHING??" Cú bursted, pushing Fionn back a couple of steps.
"Of course I feel sadness towards his death. I clearly don't feel any happiness, now do I?"
"Yeah, since you already killed him once that means you're used to this, right?"
"Don't get the past involved with this, Cú."
"Now why don't I? I'm just stating that you've seen him BLEED to death, so the least you could do is grieve for him since he FELL to it!"
Fionn took the initiative and pushed Cú back. "Don't fucking tempt me."

"Guys... please..." the only girl with them begged between sobs. Both of the men gazed at each other with slight anger, then towards Scáthach with regret on their faces. She wiped her tears away with the back of her hands, inhaling deeply. "We need...- We'll figure it out who did it after we've..." she looked at Diarmuid, "... done what has to be done."


Your phone vibrated on the night table next to your bed. Groaning, you took it and gazed at the bright screen blinding you.
Nik was calling you.

You picked it up.
"What." Your rapsy voice said.
"Eesh, did I wake up the beast or [Y/N]?"
You coughed to clear your throat. "Sorry, what is it?"
"I was wondering if you mind that me and my friend stay at the hotel a bit longer. There's a concert-"
"You can do whatever you want. Don't let me be the reason you can't do anything. Have fun." You rubbed your eyes as you talked.
"Really? You sure-"
"Yep. Now good night."
".... it's morning."
"Any time of a day is a good time for sleeping. A quote from yours truly." You smirked to yourself.
"Yeah yeah. Have fun sleeping and dreaming."
"Mhm. Talk to you later."

Clicking the 'End Call' button made you sigh and sit up. It was 8am. 'Jesus, why did Nik have to call me so early in the day...'
When you were stretching, a text came in. "Am I suddenly popular, or is my phone broken." You said to yourself with sarcasm.

From *Cú_Hound_Chulainn*
>Yo. Can I talk to you at my shop? I got some info I'd rather say to you personally.
You gulped. Why did it suddenly stressed you out to learn what he had to say? Was it the fact that he was asking you to go to his shop and not speak of it at your place with Diarmuid? Was it because it featured something bad about Diarmuid, and he didn't want to hurt him?
Just thinking about the last suspicion made you sad. It even made you wonder how Cú took Diarmuid's death, how he even discovered it...

Yeah, on my way. Be there in 30. <

Getting up and dressed, you brushed your teeth, put your hair in a pony tail and ate a small bowl of cereal before getting ready to leave.

"You're leaving this early in the morning?"

Turning around to face the ghostly being, you gave him a soft smile. "I'll be back soon. I won't take that long-"

"It's fine. Give Cú my regards. Be safe." He said plainly before going back into Nik's room where he slept for the night, closing the door behind him.

Your whole body stiffened. How the hell did he know about your meeting with Cú? He didn't have any way of looking at your phone. You didn't see him around since last night until just now.
Shrugging it off, you took your shit and left the apartment, locking the door behind you. You felt a pain in your heart. Why did having a ghost as your roommate have to be so difficult to your emotions?
Especially that... that...
You blushed thinking about all the lovey things you and Diarmuid did the last few nights; cuddling, hugging, spending time together like a couple, even... kissing. You found it cute when, usually, every time you'd wake up, you'd see him with his arms crossed and his head laying on them, sleeping peacefully on the side of your bed while sitting on a chair next to your mattress. He was a sweetheart, not wanting to rush things like instantly sleeping with you in bed. The thought of it however made your heart race as you left the building and started walking towards the market, where Cú's shop was.

He deserved better. More than he actually thinks. 'Poor thing...' you told yourself in your head.


The bell rang when the door opened.
"Uh, yeah?" You said, gazing around the shop.
"Come over to the back door." Cú's voice resonated, then his head poked out of the frame. "Here." He smiled.
Slightly chuckling, you followed him and looked around the room.

So many god damn books. You would lose your mind if you saw this first thing in the morning. School books was already enough, but this...

You sat down on one of the chairs of the table that Cú indicated, and he sat next to you.
"I'll get straight to the point and then explain the details afterwards. It won't be lovely things. You ready to hear this?"
Cú gazed at you with a soft intensity. You could see that he was ready to wait if you weren't ready to take it, or he could explain it in a softer manner or a better point of view for you.
You nodded. "Yeah, just tell me straight on."

Cú sighed. "Long story short... Diarmuid doesn't have much time left. In other words, he'll disappear in a matter of days, weeks maybe."

Your eyes went from wide with curiosity, to wide with fear.
Out of everything; not being able to touch things, not being able to see or hear, not being able to speak, not being able to remember anything at all... Him being gone was in the farthest reach of your mind, you told yourself that was a worst case scenario, but this scenario was the worst case.

You felt a thumb wipe your cheek with something wet.

Cú was trying to wipe your tears away, but without even realizing it, you were crying.
"Are you sure?" You managed.

"Sadly, yes. Just..." he cringed and you could see he was trying his best not to lose his composure, "... come here. I'll explain things later..."
And with that, you let yourself be embraced by Cú's arms, finally letting go all the stress and fear you held about all of this in the form of tears and sobs.

How in the hell are you going to be able to tell this to him? Diarmuid has no clue whatsoever. He...

Poor thing, he has no clue.

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