Chapter 6

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Hank ordered you to head back home after the predicament you got yourself in while chasing that android. The drive back was tense. You wanted to say something, but you knew you'd be scolded by your uncle. Once you got inside the house, you were about to go up to your room before Hank stops you. "(Y/n), come down here. We need to talk." You reluctantly sighed and took a seat on the couch with Connor to your right and Hank standing across from you. "(Y/n)... What you did back there was fucking insane! Dangerous on top of that. Do you realize that you could've been killed today!? What made you think that that was a good idea!?"

You looked down at the floor and didn't say anything, tears were threatening to fall, but you refused to let them. "We know you were trying to do the right thing, (Y/n). But you deliberately risked your own life." Said Connor. "Connor.." You spoke up somberly. "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be alive right now. Thank you." You stood up and headed for your room. "Hey! (Y/n)! Come back here, young lady! We're not done!" Hank demanded. You stopped in front of the stairs and turned over to Hank. "I'm not a fucking kid anymore, Hank! I don't want to talk right now, so fuck off." With that, you stormed upstairs whilst Hank sighed in frustration. "What the hell's her problem today?" He went to go after you, but Connor stopped him.

"I don't think you should do that, Lieutenant." He insisted. "(Y/n) is upset right now and wouldn't want to talk to you. I suggest going when she's feeling better." "Will you stop intervening? Don't you fucking tell me how to raise my niece, okay?" Connor was about to protest, but decided against it, not wanting to anger Hank more than he already has. The two hear a door open. "Connor, can you come up here please?" You asked from upstairs. Hank and Connor awkwardly looked at each other, then back upstairs. "Yes, Ms. (Y/n). I'm on my way up." "Connor." He turned to Hank, who looked hesitant. "Don't.. give her a hard time. Or you won't hear the end of it." Connor gave Hank a small smile "Got it." He proceeds to head up the stairs to your room. The door was already slightly open. He entered the room to find you lying on your bed, facing the window.

Connor knelt down in front of you. "How come you told me to come up here instead of Lieutenant?" He asked. "I didn't want to tell Hank why I was upset. I probably would've pissed him off more." You replied. "Your uncle isn't upset with you." Connor assured. "He just wants to know why you almost got yourself killed. He was scared for your life." You didn't respond. You just let more tears fall through your cheeks. Connor moved closer and wiped away your tears with his thumb. "Are you alright with telling me what went through your mind?" He gently asked. "I-I don't really know why I decided to chase that deviant. I just looked at it and.. something inside me filled up with frustration." You sniffled, more of your tears falling to the floor. "The deviant had a mother-like relationship with that girl. I could tell. Something about the who situation didn't feel f-fair. That man that the deviant assaulted, could've been the girl's father or guardian. They could've been escaping domestic abuse. It reminded me of.. m-my father." You looked up at Connor.

"It frustrated me that they were able to escape that in one night, yet it took me YEARS to finally leave my old home! I had to endure so much, yet they were able to just escape a situation like that with ease!" You snapped, breaking down into sobs. Connor in an instant hugged you as tight as he could. "It's going to be okay. You're safe now and away from your father. He can't hurt you anymore." He assured. "What matters now is that you actually did manage to leave your father. You should be grateful that you now have a better life with Lieutenant. You shouldn't let the past linger onto you." Your cheeks started to feel warm. You didn't expect Connor to comfort you in this manner. It strangely made you feel safer. All you could do was return the embrace while you cried against his shoulder. Connor gently stroked your hair, trying to calm you down. You slowly let go of him, wiping the rest of your tears away. "I want to talk to Hank." Connor nodded as you two went down stairs.

Hank was in the kitchen, a bottle of rum on one side of the table and a picture of him with you and Cole on the other. "Hank?" He glanced up at you. There was tense silence for a moment. "I'm sorry. It was a dumb decision to risk my life like that. I should've listened to you and not let my emotions get the best of me." "(Y/n)." You faced your uncle, waiting for him to scold you. "I know you're pissed that someone managed to have it easier than you." Your eyes widened. "W-Wha? How did you-?" "I was able to hear the whole thing. You left your door open." "Oh." Hank got up from his seat and stood in front of you. "Just because it took you a lot longer to leave that toxic relationship, it doesn't make you any less strong. The fact that you ran out towards the street without a hint of fear shows how determined you are at what you do. You're a good kid and I want to give you a better life than he ever did. Please, if you're ever frustrated over this, come talk to me. Don't go risking your life again. Okay?" You didn't respond. You just immediately gave Hank a hug.

"I'm sorry. I should've realized how torn up you would've been if something happened to me. I should've came and talked to you. I was worried that I disappointed you." " No, you didn't disappoint me." Hank assured. "I was just afraid of you gettin' killed out there. It's alright, I just want to let you know that I'm here for you." He said, patting your head. Connor grinned at you two. You let go of Hank and approached Connor again, this time you hugged him first. "Thank you again, Connor." "You're welcome, Ms. (Y/n)." "Well then, why don't we all go get some food. We're still off duty." Hank suggested. "Yay!" You beamed, making Connor chuckle a bit. He stopped himself as you and Hank were chatting about what they should get. 'I-I laughed. Androids don't feel emotion. Why did that happen?' He wondered. Connor was snapped out of his thoughts when you tapped his shoulder.

"Hey, is something wrong?" "No." He lied. "I was just thinking about the rest of the deviant cases." "Oh, well you shouldn't worry about them right now. We're off duty so let's just unwind for a bit, okay?" "Alright, whatever you say, Ms. (Y/n)." You flashed Connor a smile which made him feel that same feeling he felt earlier. That same pleasure like feeling. What was it? "Connor, I'm gonna talk to Hank for a second. Can you give us a minute?" You asked. "Sure, I'll go wait in the car." With that, Connor left. You turned to your uncle and let out a sigh. "So, what do you need?" Asked Hank.

"I know you're not a fan of androids, but I want you to be able to give Connor a chance." Hank groaned in frustration. "Not this again." "Please, Hank? Just for today?" You begged. "If you continue to hate Connor, you can tell Fowler that you're off the case and I'll just deal with it with Connor." "What? There's no way I'm letting you work on the case alone." Argued Hank. "I won't be alone. I'll have Connor." You assured. "That's what I'm afraid of." He muttered. You glared at Hank, making him give an annoyed sigh. "Alright. I'll give it-" You cleared your throat expectantly. "Ugh, HIM a chance. Only because he did save you today. But I still won't leave this case. As much as I want to." "Yes! Thanks, Hank." You happily hugged your uncle, making him laugh at your enthusiasm. "Now come on, let's go! I don't wanna kept Connor waiting." You said as the two of you joined Connor in Hank's car.

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