Chapter 8

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"Hey Connor!" Hank called. Connor opened his eyes and glanced at you and Hank. "Are you alright?" You asked. "You ran out of batteries or what?" Commented Hank. "I'm sorry, I was making a report to CyberLife." Connor informed. He kept staring at you two whilst still in the elevator. "Well, do you plan on staying in the elevator?" Asked Hank. "No! I'm coming." Insisted Connor, which made you chuckle. "Well, come on then."

Connor proceeded to follow you and Hank. "What do we know about this guy?" "Not much." Connor replied to Hank. "Just that a neighbor reported that he heard strange noises coming from this floor. Nobody's supposed to be living here, but the neighbor said he saw a man hiding a LED under his cap." "Shit, must be another android." You suspected. "Oh Christ, if we have to investigate every time someone hears a strange noise, we're gonna need more cops." Hank commented as he leaned beside the door of where the suspect is supposedly at. You gently knocked on the door. "Excuse us. Is anyone there?" There was no response. "Here, let me." You backed up as Connor tried knocking on the door as well, this time a little louder. Still no response. You and Connor glanced over at Hank who just gave you a shrug. Connor knocked on the door much louder this time. "Anybody home?" More silence.

"Open up! Detroit Police!" Connor demanded. You hear some noise coming from inside the room. "Stay behind me." Hank ordered as he stood in front of you and Connor, holding out his pistol. "Got it.." Replied Connor. You were anxiously shaking behind Connor. He notices this and grips onto your hand. Hank kicks the door down, cautiously stepping inside a dark hallway. After a moment, you and Connor entered the room as well with you still holding his hand. The three of you stopped in front of a door at the end of the hall. Hank kicked it down only to have pigeons fly out of the door. You yelped as Connor shielded you from the birds. "What the fuck is this!?" Exclaimed Hank.

You entered the room, disgusted by the sight of place. "Jesus, this place stinks." Hank commented. "They're everywhere. This place looks like it's been abandoned for years." You added. Connor knelt to the ground and found a military jacket with "R.T." on it. "R.T. Probably initials." Said Connor. "He put his initials on his jacket?" Asked Hank, turning to you. 'That's something your mom did when you were in first grade." "Now's not the time for comments like this, Hank." You replied, annoyed. Connor discovers a fake I.D. on the shelf. "The driver's license is fake." He informed. "Cool! At least we didn't come for nothing." Hank commented. You and Hank followed Connor to the bathroom to find "RA9" carved on the wall. "Any idea what it means?" Asked Hank. "I'm not sure. It could be a special code only deviants know of." You replied. "RA9...written 2,471 times." Informed Connor. "It's the same sign Ortiz's android wrote on the shower wall. Why are they obsessed with this sign?" Hank glanced at the symbols that were also carved on the wall. "Looks like mazes or something."

You and Hank went back into the living room, getting swarmed by more pigeons. "Agh! Jesus I hate these things!" Hank frustratedly muttered, you giggle at his annoyance. "It's LED is in the sink." Called Connor from the bathroom. "Wait, androids are able to just remove that whenever they can?" You asked. "Not surprised it was an android. No human could live with all these fuckin' pigeons." Hank commented. Connor entered the living room alongside you two. Hank finds some bird food. "Birdseed. I can't believe it. This nut job was actually feeding these fuckers." "Okay, scratch that. This right here is the weirdest case I've ever been on." You concluded, approaching a chair by the closet and standing on it, looking up at the hole in the ceiling. Someone fell on top of you, causing you both to crash to the ground.

"(Y/n)!" Hank tried to rush to you, but the pigeons got in his way. "God damn fuckin' pigeons!" You took a good look at who crashed into you. It was the deviant. It ran out of the room as Connor helped you up. "Ms. (Y/n). Are you hurt?" He asked. "N-No. I'm alright." "What are you waiting for!? Chase it!" Hank ordered Connor. He nodded and ran out of the room as fast as he could. You didn't know what else to do other than follow after him. "(Y/n)! Wait up!" Hank called as he ran after the two of you. The deviant pushed a metal shelf in your way. Connor hopped over it with ease. You were almost about to make it as well before your slip. Connor quickly turns around and helps you up before going back to chasing the deviant. You continued to follow Connor until you two were neck and neck.

"Ms. (Y/n). What are you doing? You need to go back to Lieutenant. You're going to get hurt." He ordered. "No way! I'm not leaving you behind. Besides we need to catch this deviant at all costs, it'd be better if we had two people chasing it down." You insisted. Connor was hesitant for a moment before nodding. "Alright, just follow my lead, and be careful." "Gotcha!" You replied. The deviant ran inside a green house on top of a roof with you two trailing it close behind. "Jesus, look at that thing go!" You commented at how fast the deviant was running. Connor stood over a ledge and held out his hand. "Hang onto me." He ordered. You nodded, taking his hand as you two slid down a glass roof and safely hopped through a broken window. You both climbed up a ladder and barely managed to pass two workers. Connor grabbed your hand again as you to proceeded to slide down another glass roof. You were about to fall off the side, but Connor pulled you close to him in time. There was an oncoming train below you. You yelped, waiting for an impact, but it didn't come.

Connor managed to jump onto the train with you in his arms. Hank managed to catch up and saw you two on the train. "Holy shit." He muttered. The deviant hopped onto another ladder. Connor glanced down at you, still being held by him. "Brace yourself, Ms. (Y/n)!" With that, Connor jumped onto the ladder as well, still managing to keep a tight grip onto you. Once Connor stood up, he gently set you down. "Come on, we have to hurry!" He ordered as you two continuing to chase after the deviant. You managed to catch up to it, with Hank trailing behind from the other side. "Stop right there!" You demanded. You tried to grab the deviant, only for it to push you out of the way and onto the ledge. "Aaah!" You screamed in terror. "(Y/n)!" Hank rushed over to you and struggled pulling you up. Connor ran over to Hank and helped him pull you up. "Shit! (Y/n), you okay?" Hank asked, checking you for injuries. You didn't respond as you sat there with your knees against your chest, tears rolling down your cheeks.

"Oh SHIT! We had it! Fuck." Hank frustratedly muttered. "It was my fault, I should have been faster." Said Connor. "You'd have caught it if it wasn't for me." You argued between sobs. "That's alright." Hank assured. "We know what it looks like. We'll find it." "No we won't! Who knows where these deviants could be hiding?" You sniffled. "I shouldn't have followed you, Connor. I should've stayed behind like you said. I'm such a fucking idiot." "(Y/n), it's alright okay?" Hank knelt down and set a hand on your back. "It's not your fault. We'll be able to find it easily now that we know what it looks like." You hugged your uncle as all your anxiety turned into exhaustion. "Come on, I think we should take you home so you can calm down, okay?" You nodded as Hank helped you up and led you back. He glanced over at Connor. "Hey, Connor..." Connor turned to him, waiting for a response. "Nothing." Hank changed his mind as he turned back around and walked with you, leaving Connor standing there on the roof.

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