Peter x Starlord pt. 3

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Peter's pov

"Hey you ready to go?" I asked Quill excitedly.

And then I saw everyone's faces twist into confusion, except Rocket his was complete realization in what was about to happen.

"We don't have a mission today, Quill you have to pass these things by us." Drax says obviously annoyed at Quill.

Everyone was silent for a moment, some trying to figure out what the mission was.

"You don't get it do you?" Rocket says bitterness laced in his voice.

"Get what Quill being an idiot? This isn't anything new." States Mantis slightly confused about what's going on.

"He's leaving. He's being selfish and leaving us all to grieve on his own. Except he's not really alone because he's bringing the kid with him. Hey Quill guess what... Your not the only one who lost Gamora. But you don't seem to understand that. We all loved her, but for some reason you think your the only one who gets to grieve. We've all had to pick up your load a-and that's been fine, but instead of thanking us your leaving." says Rocket his voice breaking towards the end.

"How dare you? I don't understand it? The worst part is how much I understand the burden I've put on each and every one of you. That's why I'm leaving because my heart breaks everytime I look at you, thinking of how much more pain I've put all of you through. I need to heal. And I can't do that around all of you, the people I've hurt over and over again. Especially when all you've done is just try to help me through this shit."

"What do you mean? We've put in all this time and effort into helping you, and now your saying we're the problem." Mantis says almost at a whisper.

"You are all my family. And you aren't the issue. I am. And I'm going to go get better I promise. And I'm not leaving forever. Think of it as a vacation. I couldn't leave you all forever." Quill says trying to get his point across.

"Quill I understand where your coming from, but your cleaning this ship before you leave." Drax says grabbing my shoulder.

"I hope you get better. We'll all miss you." Mantis says as she hugs me tightly.

"I can't believe your all just accepting this" Rocket shouts coldly.

"Rocket come on he's trying to move on. He needs closure just like all of you guys got." says Peter.

"Shut up Parker your the reason he's doing this. Why are you even here in the first place? Because you couldn't hack losing someone either?" Rocket says harshly.

"HEY! We all know this has nothing to do with Peter. Your mad at me, talk to ME about it." Quill says losing patience.

And that sentence set Rocket over the edge.

"I can't lose you too. Y-your my best friend. I need you. Here." uttered Rocket facing the opposite way to hide his tears.

"Hey your never losing me. We're family, you can't get rid of me. I love you all way to fucking much to just leave." Quill declares hugging Rocket.

"I know but you won't be here anymore. Your the captain. What are we supposed to do without our entire family here." Rocket muttered sadly.

Despite how serious this conversation was Quill couldn't help but smile at Rocket calling him the captain.

"You called my captain." Quill responded giddily.

"Shut up. God why am I trying to get you to stay." Rocket remarks as his mood suddenly lightens.

"Hey hey I think we're getting a little off topic. We've established your co captains" Peter announces laughing.

"Listen Quill I'm not happy about it... But I want the old you back. So go and take a break, but you better be all good in a month."

"I will. Well I guess we better get packing." Quill days directed towards Peter.

Author's Note

This isn't the end. I'll write the goodbye in the next chapter. I just really wanted to update for all of you guys. I hope you all enjoy. Sorry if you didn't I did the best I could.


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