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When I woke up it was cold, I couldn't see anything and Nev wasn't next to me anymore. I sat up trying to put my feet on the floor but the couch just continued but I just guessed I was on the floor, that would explain why it's hard.
I stood up and immediately fell back down when bright lights on the ceiling turned on.
I was in a white room with what looked like a prison door. I was in an insane asylum.
Tears started filling my eyes realizing Nev must have turned me in.
I laid on the floor sulking my eyes out screaming for anybody, anything. I didn't want to be alone in here.
After a long while I heard a bang on the door, "You've been screaming for five fucking hours you annoying shit." The person threw a tray through a hatch with what looked like vomit on it, it splattered all over the floor.
I ran over the door peaking through but I couldn't really see anything, but I could here footsteps going away, "No no no WAIT PLEASE WAIT DONT LEAVE ME HERE PLEASE I SHOULDNT BE HERE PLEASE"
The guard scoffed chuckling while walking, "Maybe you shouldn't have left your hammers in the open."
I thought confused, didn't Nev turn me in? I thought about this and came to a conclusion that they must have found the hammers and Nev left me there for them to find.
She left me, she left me alone and let them find me.
Tears filled my eyes again, it felt like I was crying for days and days, I didn't eat. I would rather die than live like this, this didn't even feel like living.
One day, instead of more vomit being tossed through the hatch, the door opened and there was a girl with short hair and ears and a tail that looked like a tigers, she had her sleeves rolled up and I could see places on her skin that got darker than other places making it look like she had stripes.
"Come on" she whispered to me as I quietly sprinted over to the door, I followed her as she opened more prison doors, she had a sheet with all the combinations.
She told us to head to the back doors which would be unlocked, non of us knew where the back doors were so we had to wait for her, when we got to the door some of them tried running back when they saw a guard at the door but stopped when they noticed the girl saw the guard and kept walking anyways.
We all followed her, she whispered something to the guard and he used his key card to open the door for us.
Some of the other prisoners gave each other skeptical looks but they came with us.
I wasn't really concerned if this was a trick or not, I was concerned on who this girl was when we got out of the prison or whatever most off us split up except me, the girl, a small boy, and a girl with gold claws permanently attached to her fingers.
I was still looking at the girl and blurted, "Who are you?"
The girl looked at me and was about to say something but the gold claws girl interrupted, "I am Serenity, but most know me as Death Melody, that was my name when I was part of a group of villains." She spoke confidently obviously proud of herself then that pride whipped off her face and replaced with anger, "that is until I was caught.."
The small boy looked up at us, "I am Blaine-"
Serenity interrupted before he could finish, "okay okay enough of you" she walked over to the girl admiring her looks, I could feel anger build up inside of me, but I didn't know why.
"What is your name, gorgeous?" Serenity lifted up the girls hand to kiss it, I was about to attack her without even thinking but the girl pulled her hand away and kicked Serenity in the face making her fall to the ground.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" Serenity shouted angrily rubbing her face. I giggled softly.
The girl stood tall as if she thought she was more than them, "I am Amber." She looked over at me wanting to know who I was.
My heart jumped, she looked at me, she actually looked at me. I could feel blush rise to my cheeks but I turned around pretending to look at our surroundings. "I-I'm Val-Va- Valentine" I whispered a curse to myself for stuttering.
I could feel Ambers eyes on me, it was scary and sent chills down my spine, but then I felt warm as Amber turned me around to look at her. She was smiling.
"Hello Val-Va-Valentine" She said and I heard the other two laugh as I covered my face embarrassed.
Serenity made a heart with her hands, "true love" her and Blaine made a puking noise at the same time.
We laughed together then Amber spoke up, "Say, you said you were part of a group of villains right? Surely you have a hideout for you all to meet or one of them could let us stay."
I found my self staring at her and accidentally mumbled, "you're so smart.." I covered my mouth embarrassed hoping none of them heard.
Serenity gave Amber a nod and jumped up, "let's gooo!" She started walking in a direction and we followed her.
Amber nudged me softly and I looked up at her while we walked, "I'm glad you stayed" she smiled at me, "you're funny"
I felt my face getting red and I turned away feeling warmth as Amber wrapped her arm around me as we walked.

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