Joker x Martha (Part 2)

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Part 2!!!

Martha's POV:

To my surprise Joker excepted the bet even though me being his maid is a silly idea. The more I think of it the more I want to win because I do NOT want to be a hunters maid for a week.

Any who today is the day of my match and I am preparing myself physically and mentally. In this match I need to be more sneaky when it comes to decoding and saving. When my heart turns purple I will stop what I'm doing and hide.

You know what I think I got this in the bag. I'm also doing a big favour for the survivors by escaping the match even if I am alone. I told them the about bet but made sure not to tell them about the maid part because I will never hear the end of it.

"Martha your match is starting in ten minutes! I suggest you get going now." Emma came in to remind me of my match. Feeling confident I make my way down stairs.

My team mates are Tracy the Mechanic, Kevin the Cowboy, and Emily the Doctor. As I enter the room they are telling me stuff like 'do not lose!' And 'don't worry about us just escape.' I'm happy that I made that bet because everyone's being a lot more supportive than usual.

I prepare myself and then the match starts.

It seems that the map we're at is scared heart hospital. I carefully got to a cipher looking in every corner and trying not to make a loud sound. Finally I reached the cipher and begin decoding but very slowly also trying not to trigger a calibration.

In the distance I hear the scream of Emily as she got hit. I looked around to see her red shadow was not far from me and the only rocket chair around was so close to where I am. My heart dropped. Joker picked Emily up but only to drop her when he saw me. Shit.

I could see underneath his mask a big grin formed on his face. He launched himself at me and before I knew I got a terror shock. Emily gave a look saying struggle.

I struggled and struggled but it was no use he placed me in a rocket chair. "Looks like your becoming my maid for a week~" He said very pleased with himself. "I can't wait to see you in those maid uniforms.." My face went red. "Shut up you disgusting pervert!" 

Kevin tried to rescue me but only got a terror shock. Mechanic used her puppet but failed and she was just too scared to save me herself. So I got sent back to the manor.

Thanks guys.

Jokers POV:

After the match I came back to see Martha there in her maid outfit already. She looked so cute when flustered. "I hate you..." She said quite annoyed. The hunters were amused to see the Coordinator in a maid outfit and tried to hide their laughter.

I lead her away from the hunters so we could be alone. "My first task for you is to turn around." I ordered. When she did I slapped her behind. She immediately turned her face more red than the god damn colour it self. "WHAT THE HELL!?" She screamed.

"Oops my hand slipped." I said with a big grin on my face.

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