No one asked for this but I like this ship!! So...
Fiona's POV:
I wake up very tired from last nights match which was a duo hunters match. It consisted of constant running, throwing down pallets, a lot of decoding, and getting hit. Pretty much everyone (expect the Hunters) who went into the match suffered. I guess that's why the host decided to call it violent struggle because the Hunters always win.
Even though the pain and my tiredness weighed me down I still managed to get up. Slowly I made my way down stairs. Half of the survivors weren't awake due to last nights match heck not even Martha the god damn Coordinator is up! But I don't blame her she got the worst of it.
I took a seat and embraced the table. Emily chuckled when she saw me face first in the table. Emily, Emma, Eli, and William were present so far also they are the lucky ones who didn't get to go in last nights match so they don't know my pain. Emily and Emma were in the kitchen busy making breakfast while William was quietly reading a book. Eli came over and sat next to me.
I blushed because... I have a crush on him. Whenever he's around I get butterflies in my stomach and hope I don't make some stupid mistake. I don't want to look like a loser in front of him.
"Hey Fiona I've noticed that your not acting like yourself this morning." Eli said. "Y-Yeah... It was because-e of that duo H-Hunters match!" I stumbled like an idiot. "I see. Well are you feeling any better after a nights rest?" He asked. 'No' is what I wanted to say but I wanted to seem like I'm tough. "Of course I feel somewhat better!" A big smile formed on my face.
Eli's POV:
I love Fiona's smiles they're so beautiful and heart warming. But I can tell this one is fake. It breaks me that she put on a fake smile.
How can I make her feel better? I will sell my soul to see her happy because... I love her. Watching her in the match last night was painful. Every hit she took everything she did yet she ended up being sent the manor. If I weren't so weak I'd go and beat up Hastur for what he did!
I want to be her prince...
Fiona fell asleep on my shoulder. I guess I zoned out for too long and she feel asleep. She looks so peaceful and cute. This moment I shall treasure forever...
I brushed her aside and quickly kissed her cheek. I was surprised when I felt her reach out and kiss me on the lips. "Don't leave me..." She quietly said. I smiled and kissed her again and she kissed me back. This woman. She is my future she is my world..!
"I love you Fiona." I confessed. Even though she was tired she got all the strength in her to say "I love you too... Eli darling..." and just like that she once again fell asleep on me. But this time she hugged me and I hugged her back.
Williams POV:
I was reading my book when I was interrupted but small kissing sounds and Eli's soft chuckles. I look over and see Fiona and Eli pretty much making out.
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