chapter one too much

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Another day in the hell hole I call school where I constantly get bullied because I wear glasses and I'm a bit on the chubby side, but I didn't care about that I cared more about the verbal bullying which I get every day only because it makes me insecure that I wear baggy clothes and all this bullying was stopping me from eating which was making me weak where I couldn't concentrate as much.

I walked into school this morning and straight up to my locker as I opened it two sheets of paper fell out of my locker I picked them up and shut my locker and then opened the notes as I walked to class , the first one read 'go back to the cow farm moo moo' and the second one read 'go and kill yourself it will be much peaceful with out you cow moo' I sighed and walked over to the bin and threw them away , I was used to these notes I got 3-6 a day. I carried on walking to walking to my English class as I did I noticed people started to shout things "cow" "kill your self" "fatty" "moo". I kept walking i could feel the tears coming down my face as i walked into the class room.

The teacher, miss bunton looked at me and sighed she came over to me and handed me a tissue and rubbed my shoulder. She knew how I felt as she had witnessed it a few times in the the class room and in the hallways, she the only teacher that's been here.

I watched as all the class walked in some came in with nasty remarks towards me, miss bunton soon put a stop towards them and also made a rule that if there was any bullying in the classroom she would give them detention.

"Right today were going to talk about penpals" she said "I'm going to give you each an email and I want you to email that person for three weeks and then I want you present your email buddy to the class" she said walking around the class handing out our email addresses.

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