Chapter 2

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"And she always had a way with her brokenness. She would take her pieces and make them beautiful."

They made their way into deeper into the crime scene. They met with the one and only Greg Lestrade.

Rose let out a hand for him to shake as she introduced herself. Greg happily took her hand and shook it.

Sherlock was getting very impatient and needed to get into the crime scene.

"Hurry up Grester, i want to see the crime scene."
Rose looked around for the first time since the were there. They were aglt a home, there was beautiful flowers there. Mostly there were morning glories.

They walked into the house to find police straps stripped around a body. Rose flinched slightly at the sight of blood. She closed her eyes, breathed and started to scan the room.

Sherlock noticed it and added it into his information on her.
Doesn't like blood. Something to do with her past.

"Kiren Fil, unsuccessful business man, found dead in his house with stolen pearls. 2 suspects ,one came at night and the other at morning. "

They looked and saw a man with dark brown hair lying on the floor, a puddle of blood around him.

He decided to test her. He needed to know how smart she is.

"Rose, come deduce"
"I dont know. You are trying to embarrass me. " Rose's face was all red, almost as red as her hair. She looked scared so Sherlock got more information.
Cares about what people say

He looked back at the dead body and he looked very familiar, he just couldn't remember, he probably deleted it.

"Rose, im pretty sure you can deduce him."
"I cant deduce, i simply observe. Now please i cant observe a dead person" Its was a lie, she was a detective herself, so it wasnt that hard.
"Come on, try" She then decided to go ahead, it didnt take much. So Sherlock got something else about her.
Gets pushed around easily

She looked at the body laying on the floor, she was clueless.  She then looked at the the big D carved into his chest. Her mind instantly went to her best friends hand with the word Mudblood carved i to it.

She thought she was pathetic that even after 2 years, she still is sacred. But when you hear your best friend screaming by hurtful words forcefully carved into her hand while you are stuck with your twin, best friend -who is in love with your other best friend- and a friend trapped in your school enemies basement, you are bound to get sacred.

She loomed at the D and she pictured her friends hand, after staring at the word for so long, she was able to see somethings.

"The killer is cruel-"
"Obviously, he murdered someone-"
"Sally, shut up and let her continue"
"Thanks Greg. Anyways, he used a butter knife, not a sharp knife. A sharp knife cuts, a butter knife rips. Look at the cut, clearly ripped. He was still alive by then because look again the D is not smooth, the man was clearly trying to fight"

She wasnt a genius but looking at Hermione's scar, she had a few hints. She really was as the Holmes called a 'Gold Fish'

Sherlock made a sarcastic comment. And walked out of the house to the back garden.

He scanned the place when his eyes landed on a morning glory with just a bit pearly from the middle

"Easy case, arrest the morning suspect. There was a pearl in the middle of a morning glory. Morning glories only open at morning. Do i need to explain any longer?"

Lestrade shook his head and started shouting orders in order to arrest the morning suspect.

Sherlock and Rose walking side by side, silence following them until Rose spoke up.

"That was brilliant and magical!" Rose was fairly amused and started to question if he is a wizard. Sherlock stared at her, he searched her face for
any sign of mocking him but found none. His lips twitched upwards slowly.
"Normal people don't say that"
"Well we arent normal!"
Sherlock stared at her, he thought she was normal enough. She may have deduced a few things but nothing too WOW.

"Well i would think you are normal enough"
"Everyone is until they show their real self"

Sherlock didnt understand but didnt feel like asking either. Rose got one her motor and put on her helmet, he now noticed how the helmet was scratch from the behind.
It was a prank, the owner tried to get the words off.

Her hair flew behind her and sherlock watched as she got smaller and smaller. Then got into his cab.

By the way the motorcycle is Sirius Blacks one

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