Chapter 3

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"She was either wildly naive,
or dangerously intelligent"
. . .

Rose Potter once again beat Sherlock Holmes home. But sherlock just thought that it was the fact she drove a motorcycle, while Rose simply appareted.

"Sherlock, you are never going to find anything in that water!"
Sherlock was sat with his chemistry set, trying see what was in the water bottle that made Sally's hair change colour.

Rose had found out that when Sherlock is working, everything else doesn't matter so she is able to fill in her auror paperwork without Sherlock finding out.

Rose slowly finished the pile. One by one until they are done. She cracked her knuckle, and took a big breath. A big grin playing on her face.

"Do you want tea?" Rose asked, Sherlock nodded without looking up. Rose slowly stood up, and made her way to the kitchen.

She opened all the cabinets one by one. She found the tea and sugar but couldnt find the milk.
"Sherlock. Where is the milk? Its not in the cabinets!"

Sherlock slowly looked up, he thought she was joking. But from the look in her eyes, it looked like she didnt. Sherlock wondered how someone could be so stupid.

Rose immediately realized that milk belongs in somewhere for muggles. She might have grownup with muggles but a incident from her second year made her forget her life before magic, it took her and Hermione a year to figure out a spell to make her remember at least the important parts. Even after then she never bothered learning about muggles things.

Even under Sherlock's judgeful stare, Rose's smile didnt even twitch. She still smiled her calm, lovely smile.

"You know what? Who needs tea?" She wiggled her way out of figuring where the milk is. Sherlock shook his head judgingly, and look back at his telescope.

She no longer was smiling sweetly but frowning.

Rose and sherlock look around for where the sound came from when their eyes landed on a window with an black owl. Rose knew the owl almost instantly, it was her owl, Ruhe.

 Rose knew the owl almost instantly, it was her owl, Ruhe

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Ruhe means peace in German, just like Hedwing means war. Rose couldn't take getting an owl for a while, but seeing this black ingured owl on the street, her heart melt and she took her as her own.

"Why is an owl clicking on the window with a letter?" Sherlock questioned slowly, never taking his eyes off the owl.

"Meet my owl, Ruhe," Rose introduced as she opened the window, letting Ruhe in.

Sherlock started to understand how Rose is not that normal. He watched as she unwrapped the letter from the owl and told the owl where to find owl food.

She opened the letter, a grin on her face. Her eyes scanned the letter quickly, her smile growing with every word.

Dear Rose,
How is muggle London? Oh and the flat, who is your roommate. Your in charge of teddy this weekend. Hermione wants to know if you finished the paperwork. You better or she is going to murderer you alive. Anyway, are you coming this Friday to brunch at Moms.
And can we come this Saturday to send Teddy and come over for lunch, meet your roommate too.

The twin you are stuck with,
Harry Potter

Without looking up, Rose asked "Sherlock, can my friends come over this Friday?"
"Friends? No."
"Come on, please!"
"Fine but dont expect me to not be myself."
"Why would i expect you to not be yourself?"

Without another word, Rose went to get a quill and some ink. Sherlock couldn't understand why she would use a quill and ink, and what's with the letters anyway?

Sherlock decided to give up on trying to see whats in the water and just drank it. He touched his hair and slowly pulled it down to see. He was surprised to find that it didnt change.

"Why isnt the water working?"
"You drank it?"

Rose didnt know what to say, how could someone be so smart yet so stupid at the same time. She thought for a reason for the water to not work, and she needed something that would remove the water completely.

"Sherlock, drink it all!" Sherlock slowly gulped the water. He was starting to regret it. Rose nonverbally changed his hair into red hair from the other room.

Sherlock again pulled down his hair slowly, expecting it to not change when he saw red hair just like Rose's.

He was excited to see the water when he realised he drank it all. His sadness was interrupted by his phone, he heard the text from the next room.

"Rose, get me my phone." Sherlock ordered. Rose looked around, what is a phone? Vone? She tried to remember where the ring just came from, she knew it was a muggle object.

Suddenly a rectangular flat thingy ringed, she jumped away in surprise. She held the phone with two fingers, trying to not touch it too much. She tried seeing what this is. She handed it to Sherlock, who took it with a questioning gaze.

Sherlock jumped up, putting on his coat. "A new case, the game is one." He rushed out, running almost. Rose put on her coat and ran behind him.

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