Not Ordinary

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You complimented her
with words
But She was no ordinary flower

No, She was not the common rose
You'd pluck from a garden

She had the rareness of a ghost orchid
A fragile beating heart
She was

An element from space
Awaiting discovery
A foreign language only the ancient understand

She was a present
A present you had unwrapped savagely

You never understood that
She was a miracle in the aura
of a human

An incompromisable contract
A legal art work not capable of being forged
She was a vale of immeasurable valor

No, she was no ordinary girl
She was a Myth
A book of Magic carved
into flesh and blood

She was no ordinary girl
But yet you had let her slip from your fingertips
Like a mythical sprite that she was


In the stillness of her absence
You sing Her praises
You smell her yellow pyjamas

You trace her photographs with your fingertips
You stare deep into the kitchen walls
Hoping she might reappear

But summer was gone and so was she

You had your chances
To get the wind to flow with your sail
Now the wind was no more

And You die slowly from it's absence
Now you know
She was no ordinary girl.

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