Empty II

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No one to talk to
An empty vessel of emotions
My heart's heavy

My soul's dampened
My sadness knows no bounds
I cannot find peace in this way

Maybe it's the will of the Almighty
But I'm sad and empty
Maybe he wills for me
To taste the rainbow of my sadness
Which knows no bounds

My heart's colored in pain
Built-up fears
Pent-up frustration

My sadness mustn't result in madness
For I am no longer sane anymore
I hate this taste

This taste of sorrow
It's neither bitter nor sweet
It's neither salty nor sour

It is plainly neutral
Some kind of neutrality
That drains your Essence

I have tasted it several times
Maybe it's why I no longer feel it's pang
If only I could be kidnapped from my worries

Stolen away from my sadness
Taken far away

Oh, how I crave to stay in hibernation
Oh, how I want to be relieved of all my burdens

So, I result to slitting and cutting
My comfort lies in seeing damaged arteries and colourful pools of red wine

I've been labeled a masochist
But, I can't help it when it's only pain that keeps me awake.

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