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It wasn't long until the pod fell onto a surface, starting Philly. The pod began going down, making the brunette question where they were going. Soon, the bright sky disappeared and they were left watching the darkness until they saw the light, from in the building there was a window.

'Why would he send his savior unto us.

If we will not raise a finger for our own salvation?

And though we deserved not his mercy.

He had led us to this new Eden,

The last chance for redemption.'

The pod continued down, more and more as Philly started regretting sitting in the chair. They sure as hell didn't know where they are, but they had to let it happen. What else are they going to do? They flinched as a bright light blinded them.


Interesting. The pod landed, and opened, letting go of Philly as they stumbled out of the pod in a 'Thank fuck it's over' sort of way. They placed a hand over their chest and panted, almost dramatically falling over and kissing the floor. However, that was the least of their worries. They needed to get into the city one way or another. They stepped into the water, confused as hell, and turned to their left.

A sign, making the brunette furrow their eyebrows. 'THE SEED OF THE PROPHET SHALL SIT THE THRONE AND DROWN IN FLAME THE MOUNTAINS OF MAN', it read. "'The seed of the Prophet...' Huh," They huffed out, walking through the tunnel and down the stairs. They walked around a statue before being met with a man in white, seemingly waiting for something.

Philly walked over, "Excuse me!" He looked up at the brunette, a smile on his face and an eyebrow raised. "Where am I?"

"Heaven, friend," The blond replied. "Or as close as we'll see till Judgement Day." He once again looked down, to tend to his thoughts and let Philly walk down the stairs to their right.

"Best keep such questions to myself, 'less I want to get made," Philly suggested to themselves, nervously chewing their thumb as they reached the end of the stairs. A holy song of, what it seems to be, a bunch of choir boys. And a speech was what seemed to be happening.

"And every year on this day of days, we recommit ourselves to our city, and to our prophet, Father Comstock," preached the Preacher. Philly furrowed their eyebrows, walking through the water toward the end cautiously, looking around. "We recommit through sacrifice, and the giving of thanks, and by submerging ourselves in the sweet waters of baptism."

As they came close, there were Brothers and Sisters, all eyes are closed and some are praying, making Philly seem somewhat out of place as they walked past a pale brunette. "And lo, if the prophet had struck down our enemies at Wounded Knee, and not railed against the Sodom beneath us, it would have been rough," The preacher said as Philly walked through the crowd of praying prayers. They pushed past two men, as they opened their eyes and the Preacher looked at Philly. "Is it someone new?" He asked, "Someone from the Sodom below?"

The two men let Philly pass through as the Preacher smiled. "Newly come to Columbia to be washed clean, before our Prophet, our Founders, and Lord?"

"I just need passage into the city," Philly stated, as all eyes were on them, making them feel uneasy.

"Passage to the city? Ha-ha," The old man laughed. "Child, the only way to Columbia is through the rebirth in the sweet waters of baptism," He stated, arms opened as they gestured toward the water the two were standing in. Philly stared at the man with confusion. "Will you be cleansed, child?"

Philly sighed. "It's either this or turns around and get back on that rocket," they told themselves. "Might as well get it over with." They grabbed the old man's hand, as he pulled them over, "...Hey!"

"I baptize you, in the name of our Prophet, in the name of our Founders, in the name of our Lord!" And with that, he leaned Philly back into the water, making every inch of their body drenched. And with how long he had them under the water, it was getting hard to breathe. "And make-" The preacher pulled them back up, as they gasped for breath, "-born again, in the bosom of Columbia!" People cheered as he stated the sentence, as Philly still tried regaining their breath, and attempted to pull their hand away.

But the Preacher gripped onto their pale hand. "I don't know, brothers and sisters," He looked out to the crowd. "But this one doesn't look clean to me..." He looked at Philly, and tilted them back into the water, as they struggled and ended up passing out.


Knocking was heard. It was harsh, almost a hurried knock. It must've been important. Philly opened their eyes, their eyebrows crashing down. 'Who's there?" They called out. "Who's there?!"

"Bring us the girl, and wipe away the debt." A male voice. They couldn't pinpoint who it was, but they knew better than to trust it.

They stood from their desk, almost backing up. "What do you want?" They spat, as the knocking grew louder. It was annoying and unbearable.

"We had a deal, DeWitt!" Yelled the man, as the knocking became loud as Philly circled their desk. "Open this door, Right now!" They walked toward the door.

They furrow their eyebrows, "I told you..." they grabbed the door handle ready to open it. "I'm not going to do it!" They opened the door, and it wasn't the outside of their office. It was the city, a war. And it was dark. Something fired out of a floating ship.

Heading straight toward Philly.


Philly's eyes flung open, as they gasped and sat up, coughing and hacking their lungs out. Trying to catch their breath that somehow returned to them. Once they came to, heavily breathing and able to see, they looked up. Looking down at them were statues of the founding fathers. In the distance, they heard someone talking, who it was, they wouldn't know.

Philly sat up and looked around. They were outside, in water, and they saw the three people that we're the ones talking. Calmly, they stood with a sigh and looked at the sun, hoping it'll do a good enough job to dry them off from the water. "That idiot priest needs to learn the difference between baptizing someone and drowning them," They murmured to themselves, trying not to catch the pilgrims attention.

They walked around the pilgrims and statues and up the stairs, "I need to find a landmark and figure out where the hell I am." They walked past a praying male pilgrim and looked up, furrowing their eyebrows at the angel statue with a sign. 'WHAT IS COLUMBIA, IF NOT ANOTHER ARK FOR ANOTHER TIME?' Philly was even more confused, turning on their heel and walked through the gates, out of that part of the Garden.

They carefully made their way past the bushes. The tranquility of the area was what they needed, but Philly was in Columbia for a reason, they can't stay for too long. They stopped, looking up at the sign above doors, 'THE SEED OF THE PROPHET SHALL SIT THE THRONE AND DROWN IN FLAME THE MOUNTAINS OF MAN.' Philly stared at it for a moment, before turning to look over their shoulder, "Just because a city flies don't mean it ain't got its fair share of fools." They stare at a pilgrim before turning back to the door. "Alright... Still got a girl to find."

They walked forward before opening the doors, walking through it.

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