7 ~ Flashback

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- You... you... since when did you... i don't know, have like horns and
He gestured to Harry's body
- Well it happened one night in my aunt and uncles house. He gave me one of the usual beatings


Harry is lying on his bed, totally still so not to reopen the deep gashes on his back. Soon it started to appear black dots in his vision and the corners starts to blacken. Just as he is about to black out a burning pain start spreading everywhere in his body. Harry wants to scream but he is to tired
'Let it all end'
Is the last thing he thinks before he blacks out totally.

When Harry wakes up three hours later he feel like an entirely new person
'So this is what death feels like. Weird, it looks just like at the Dursley's. Nice I don't need to have my stupid glasses'
He raises and stretches, he walk over to the mirror
'Nice, I look quite hot'
He is pale, quite toned abs and is muscly overall. His black messy hair is similar to his "old" but this looks a lot more sexy. His electric green eyes sparkle in the dimly lit room and last but not least, he has horns. Black and pointy, a little bit curved, all in all he looked hot.

When he turned around from the mirror he saw two letters lying on his bed, he looked at both of them and realized that none of them were addressed. He opened the first one

Hello my little Harry
If you read this me and your father is dead, probably killed. We loved you more than everything and we are so sorry we are not able to see you grow.

I want to warn you from Dumbledore, he may seem like a great man but he is crazy, all he want is fame, money and power. We fear that he will use you to get that.

We were actually not light, we were neutral but a little more dark, if something happens go to Lucius Malfoy and explain and he will help you.

As you may have noticed you are a creature, a dark demon. Don't be scared of yourself, there are some books in the family vault that may be helpful.

Me and James guess you don't live with Sirius or Remus, it stood clearly in our will but we have a feeling that Dumbles has put you with my sister, to make you more like he wants you. If you are week than he can form you exactly as he want to.

We want you to know that we will always support you and your choices, even tho you chose to be light.

Much love

Harry quickly wipes away the tears that threaten to fall. He picks up the other letter

Hello mister H. Potter

Congratulations on your creature inherence.

We have seen some transfers made by Albus Dumbledore. We would appreciate if you could come in as fast as possible to check so nothing is wrong.

Yours sincerely

Well it looks like I'm going on a trip today

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