11 ~ Dumb-as-door appears

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- Take the boy, just leave us alone. We don't want him anyway
- You though that it would be enough to just give me "the boy". I'll be back

With that he cast a sectumsempra on each of the muggles, turned around delighted by the painful screams that they let out. On his way out he cast a bombarda that he was sure set off the wards to alert Dumbledore and his order of flying chickens. Just as he though when he and his followers had gone about 10 steps the sound of apparation could be heard

- Ahhh, you finally decided to join us
- Tom
- Don't call me that, and it's all to late
- Why haven't you killed him yet
The annoying sound of Ron's voice, why can't he just shut his mouth, I can't believe how I stood out being with that idiot
- Well firstly he may have some useful information that I can use, secondly I want to torture the life of the one that destroyed my life all those years ago

Through their bond, that grew stronger, the dark lord felt Harry's distaste for the Weasley boy and was just able to hide his amusement, he was the dark lord after all he can't just go around show emotions.

- Tom, I
- Don't call me that
- Attack
Voldemort put up a shield
- You came to late this time
He span around and apparated away closely followed by his death eaters

I'm so sorry for this short chapter, I'll try to update soon

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