13 ~ Lunch and dinner

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I thought this was very fitting as it's Christmas soon!!!!! And I find it very good, watch out kids

They appeared in the dining room with a pop
- Thanks Dobby
- No problem master Harry
And with that he popped away again
- How nicce of you to join me for lunch Harry
- The pleassure iss mine masster
As Harry sat down at the table a large snake slithered up on the table
- Hello Nagini, it'ss nicce to meet you
- A sspeaker? Nicce now I have ssomeone elsse to talk to when Tom getss boring
- Excusse me Nagini but I am right here, sso watch you though
The snake rolled her eyes, or at least that is what Harry thought that she did as she slithered over to the dark lords place and made her way to his shoulders. He absently started to pet her and she gave a content hiss
- Now Harry
His read eyes seeking up Harry's green ones
- I believe that I'm going to introduce you on one of my meeting, you are going to wear a mask and you are going to have a nickname
- Sounds good, when is next meeting
- I think I'll have one tomorrow
- Sounds cool
The rest of the lunch was filled with normal conversations as which subject Harry liked the most in school
- Follow me
Without another word the dark lord raised and Harry followed.

Five minutes later they were in what Harry guessed was a training room. The floor was spelled softer and he guessed the same thing had been done to the walls. In one of the corners was around fifteen dummies with zones and points
- I want you to sit down in the middle of the room and let your magic free, let in swirl around you
Harry sat down in the middle of the room and relaxed. He let down his mind blocks and his magic swirled around him. Soon he drew his magic back and his mind barriers was up as strong as ever. When he had gone trough his inherence occlumency had come natural and he guessed he would be able to trow out Snape from his head
- Good, I need to go, stay here and train or do whatever you want. Just have this on, I'll get you a personal mask soon but this will work if any of my death eaters decides to come train
- Of course master

The boy decided to stay in the training room and he went off on the dummies. He soon got bored of the lack of resistance so he wandered of towards the library. He walked down one of the rows filled with books and found one on house elf's. He picked it out and went to his room. The fire in the fireplace cast a warm yellow light over the room and Harry sat down in one of the loveseats, opened the book and started reading.

What he found out was very helpful, he had though about it for some time but he hadn't had a clue how to do it. He wanted to bond with Dobby without becoming his master. The book had cleared it out, there actually was a way to do it. After a quick tempus Harry decided to talk to Dobby the day after. Now he needed to be down for dinner
- Dobby, can you please take me to the dining room
- Of course master Harry
As he though about it Dobbys language got better and better. When he just freed him his English had been very bad now it was just the word order that was a bit of but it sounded a lot better

- Can you please stop apparate everywhere, it's getting on my nerves
The irritation was clear in the dark lords voice but Harry decided to try how long he could go
- I wasn't apparating, I was transported with a house elf, but I can apparate
He disappeared and a second later reappeared on the dark lords right side, before he disappeared and reappeared where he stood before
- How
Voldemort's mask slipped for a split second and the shock was clear for Harry who studied his face
- That shouldn't be possible, all the wards, I am the only one why should be able to apparate in here
- Ohh, is that what I'm feeling, it's like something is trying to stop me but I have just ignored it
The blank mask was on its place but in his eyes Harry saw that it was a real mystery to him before his eyes shone in understanding
- As you are my horocrux my wards doesn't work as they should on you as you have a bit of my sole in you, the wards can't hold away the boy of me in you but don't want to let you in. Therefore you feel the wards trying to stop you but as powerful as you are you could break trough the little resistance that was left. How can you apparate though, I know you are powerful but you need to pass the test to be able to and your only in third grade
- Well, when I went to gringotts I broke those wards to, well there I did the test and now has my license

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