Group Discussion

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Your POV:

Ben and Mal managed to dodge my magic. This was beginning to get annoying and I'm not just saying that because the same thing happened with Audrey. Oh, wait maybe I am but oh well. Maybe I need to change tactics, I thought to myself. That was when I saw Mal's spell book on the desk. Funny, I thought that was in the museum, either way saves me having to go and retrieve it myself. Mal realised I was looking at it but before she could react, I grabbed it and poofed out of the room. I transported myself to my favourite hiding spot that only I know how to find. A hidden cave in the forest near the Enchanted Lake but no one seems to know if it but me. It's the perfect place to hatch my evil plan. I was broken out of my thoughts when a message appeared on my arm. Ugh what does Audrey want now? I thought to myself.

Audrey POV:

I am currently with Mal who gathered everyone including Uma, Harry and Gil. "Great first Audrey turns evil now Y/N." Uma stated. I rolled my eyes and ignored her as I tried to message Y/N by writing on my arm asking her where she is. "You don't exactly have a great record for keeping allies do you Mal?" Uma asks sarcastically. I mean Uma's not wrong. She has managed to turn a lot of people against her, including me when I turned into a villain. "Uma now is not the time for jokes. We need to figure out how to stop Y/N from destroying us and possibly all of Auradon." Mal said to Uma. "Y/N has already attempted to kill me, Ben and Audrey using magic. Anyone have any ideas where she might go next?" We all turned to Jane seeing as though she knows her best out of all of us.

Jane POV:

As soon as everyone turned towards me, I luckily had one possibility of where she might go next but I just hope I am wrong. "There is one other person she might try and get revenge on. I just hope I am wrong about this theory." "Who do you think she might go after next?" Jay said. "My mother." I told them as calmly as I could even though I was panicking on the inside. "I mean it makes sense; she knew who her parents were. Y/N didn't want to know but you guys practically forced her to tell Y/N the truth even when she didn't want to know." I continued. They all seemed to have a guilty expression on their faces which they should but obviously I don't say that out loud. "Do you know where Fairy Godmother is?" Carlos asked me. "Not right now but I can try and call her." So, I do just that. She answered which made me feel relieved. "Hey mom where are you it's important?" "I'm in a meeting to discuss graduation stuff. We need to make sure we're prepared for it when the time comes. What's wrong?" "Oh, nothing have you seen Y/N anywhere?" I ask her. "Err no I... what the? She just used magic to transport herself in the meeting room and she just started blasting people with magic! JANE WHAT'S GOING ON?" She says panicked then the phone hung up. "Guys Y/N just found my mom in the meeting room and she's attacking everyone in there. We need to move now!"

Audrey POV:

I knew something was wrong when Jane's expression changed into a panicked one. I was right when she said it was Y/N. The question is, do they have a plan to stop her. I also don't want them to kill her in the process like they did with me. I doubt Hades will revive another whether there his own child or not. I walk over to Mal and ask her all these questions. She responded by saying, "If he refuses, we'll tell him he's his child and I'm sure he would if I asked. I mean he managed to revive you." "But would he use his powers to save another though?" "Don't worry Audrey we'll make sure nothing happens." I sigh in frustration but carry on walking, practically running to the meeting room with them. However, we are all shocked by what we saw. Everyone was on the floor. My guess is Y/N hit them with her magic. That's not all, even Fairy Godmother was lay on the ground too. Also, Y/N still hasn't responded to my message. I am really starting to get worried.

Ending this one here. What did you guys think? Let me know and don't forget to vote! :) 

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