The first day

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A/n: everything written in bold is Bobby's POV and everything in italics is MC POV just so there isn't any confusion. Enjoy!

"Hi mates I'm Bobby ! wow I can't believe I'm really here at love island !"
Mc glances between herself and the girls surrounding her. "We're all here for love, right? I bet my dream man is currently standing out on the lawn. Lottie, a powerful prowless, grins. "Of course, babes." MC let's out a dreamy sigh. "I cannot wait to meet my soul mate."
The boys all chat and talk about what they want from island Gary claims he wants someone to take home to his nan. Noah wants to find the one. "I'm gonna be honest boys I just want the money" Bobby grins cheekily.
Hope shrugs nonchantley, she just wants someone to do as they are told. She wants mystery, as does Marisol. Not Hannah though, she understands MC. They both want a fairytale. "I want him to think hes won the prize," MC giggles. "I want him to think I am the prize."
A phone bings.
"No offense but cmon who goes on a cheesy show like this for love" Bobby laughs. "This isn't a fairytale this is a reality tv show. With a decent amount of money as the prize." Gary frowns at Bobby's thoughts "I got a text!" Noah yells at the boys.
The girls huddle around MC, demanding to read the text first. They are all laughing, giddy over the fact that five hotties are currently waiting out on the lawn.
"They're here," Hannah sighs.  "I'm so nervous." MC nods along. "I dont want to go first, I'm going to vomit."
Text: MC, the boys are ready for you.
Bobby decided days earlier that his plan was to get everyone to like him as a friend and hopefully his charm would get him to the end. That's it no love nothing like that. He stood next to Gary and Noah as he waited for the first girl to come out. "I hope she's hot!" Gary grinned "they are all hot that's the point of the show hot people grafting on other hot people." Bobby replied laughing.
MC is nervous. This is it, the moment shes been dreaming of for years. Shes about to meet her soul mate. She holds her hand up to her face, shielding her eyes from the sun as she steps out. Long legs in displays, large assets held tight to her chest by her pink bikini.
Five boys stare back at her. She feels sick.
Bobby looked up as the first girl strolled out. His eyes widen and his breath hitched "shit" he mumbled. She was absolutely gorgeous. This was going to put a damper on his original plan. "Maybe I could split the money?" He thought to himself. But he knew he needed that money to make his bakery and be successful and no beautiful girl whose name he didn't even know  could change his mind.
MC halts before them. Her eyes scan down the line, they finally come to rest upon the lean shoulders of a dreaded grinner. Their eyes lock, this is it.
She takes her time speaking to each one, but it is only when the dreaded boy steps forward and introduces himself that she even cares about what they say.
Maybe this is what love at first sight feels like, she tells herself.
Of course I have to go last. Bobby thinks to himself. The other boys introduce themselves then it's my turn. "Hello there did you fall from heaven cause I think  you are the halo Beyoncé was talking about." I wink. I notice her cheeks turn red and I grin. She's going to be an easy target. I frown at myself, Bobby you can't hurt anyone that isn't like you. He says to himself.
She giggles. She freaking giggles. And immediately slaps her hand over her mouth. You shall not be easy, she tells herself. Her phone bings and she glances downwards, lower lip brought up between her teeth. "Okay," she draws out, sex eyes glances over every six pack in sight. "Step forward if you like what you see, boys." She feels powerful, sexy. They all begin to shuffle. Gary, and then Ibrahim, followed by the sleazy Rocco. Bobby steps forward without a second though, MC's eyes falter on him. He looks like he's battling some inner demon, it makes her nervous.
"Why did you guys step forward?"
Gary opens his mouth first.
After Gary says some garbage. Bobby decides this is it he need to get her. "I mean obviously you are a good sight to look at but you laughed at my joke and honestly you seem sweeter than a cupcake." He winked at her and grinned "plus I'm good in bed." He smirked hoping this would help his case the other boys spoke poured out some love shit and then they all looked at her waiting. Her eyes locked with his and he felt his stomach flutter a little fucking hell he mumbled.
His eyes are beautiful, MC thinks to herself. He is so, so beautiful. Her eyes flutter towards the only man who didnt step forward, Noah.
Would it be interesting to spice it up? She shakes her head, no no no.
"The boy I want to couple up with is --" she pauses for a dramatic effect. "-- Bobby."
"Bobby" she spoke. This made him grin. But he was also a little worried. This girl was his type and it would make his plan a little more difficult. But he knew what he needed to do and hey maybe she'd understand and they could remain friends with benefits. He smirked at the thought of him fucking her. Hold your horses buddy he thought to himself.
MC skips over and delicately places herself beside the boy of her choice. She shoots him a grin, an innocent smile. She was sunshine and rainbows, a true romantic.
"Hey," she greets, voice like honey.
The softness in her eyes and smile makes him grin. "Hey good looking. I'm so happy you picked me!" He winked. After everyone was paired up they all had to go and talk to their partner. Bobby flopped onto the daybed and the sun in his eyes. "This is the life he grinned." He sat up so she could sit next to him. "So tell me about yourself babe."
MC tucks a loose curl behind her ears and turns to meet his eye. Their thighs brush and her heart jumps into her throat, she wonders if he can feel the electricity between them too.
"I'm in culinary school at the moment," she tells him, her eyes light up at the thought of her passion. "So honestly I don't really do much except study and cook and study and co--"
She lulls her head to one side, a grin on her lips. "How about you? What do you do for the sake of living?"
Their bodies are so close and Bobby feels his head beating so fast. "Bobby the money." He thinks in his head. She mentions she cooks and his eyes widen. "No way! That's so cool. I'm a baker actually. I'm hoping to own a baker one day but for now I work at one near my home." The excitement is dripping out of his voice. He decides to hold her hand and he goes to grab it "What are you doing??" His conscious asks him. This isn't part of the plan Bobby.
MC heart stops, her eyes widen and she entwines her fingers with his. Excitment is coarsing through her veins. "No way!" She giggles. "That is amazing, a bakery would be amazing to own!"
A small smirk flickers her lips up. Feeling much more confident she lays her head against his shoulder, his heart is wild against her ear.
"So, my turn," she grins. "Why did you actually sign up? My pals dared me. Said the only way I would fall in love is if I got pushed into it."
His eyes widen at her touch and she gets closer and closer with every movement. Then she asks why he signs up. He obviously can't say to win the money. Instead he says well my ex cheated on me and broke my heart and my friends were pushing me also so finally I decided why not. This wasn't totally a lie his ex had cheated. He did wanna find love again. But he couldn't do that right now he was on a mission for the money. He realized this whole time he had been looking directly at her soft pink lips and he moved his gaze back to her sparkling eyes.
She licks her lips. His wandering eyes have made her nervous, she can feel her heart drumming in her ears. How could somebody hurt such a beautiful individual? The man before her is pure, she can tell. He is honest, true. MC prides herself on her people reading skills, and so she tells him this.
She tells him that he seems like a lovely person and that his ex is a fool. And then she smirk, pecks him on the cheek and laughs.
"Do you think you'd do bits in the villa?"
He looks at her looking him up and down and grins. Then she asks about bits in the villa and he almost choked. He didn't know what to see but god she looked amazing and honestly he hadn't been doing bits anywhere in the last six months since his ex. Hmm maybe they could be friends with benefits that way nobody gets hurt. But he needed her to suggest it not him. He could not let them think he was a player. He realized he hadn't answered her yet. "I think I might be down for that." He winked touching her thigh.
MC glances downwards at his touch and frowns. He's a bit keen, she tells herself. But for some unknown reason, it doesn't raise red flags.
She smirks. "That's always good to know."
This girl is driving him insane. He decides to go for a swim and runs over to the pool and jumps in splashing some of the girls making them yell at him. He laughed and waved her over to join him.
MC kicks her legs out from beneath her and runs after him, her laughter on the wind. She lands with a splash, and a little too closer for comfort. Bobby reaches an arm out, stealing her. Their faces are zo close that she can taste the mint on his breath, she glances downwards towards his lips. Would he close the gap? She wonders. Or would she have to do it?
He couldn't make the first move. Then when he breaks her heart there would be nobody to blame for the feelings except him. He looks at her and grinned acting like he didn't notice how close she was and how she kept looking at his lips. Nobody needs to get hurt Bobby. He thought to himself.
She pouts, dissapointed. He was avoiding he subtle advances, it was something she could not help but notice. MC had always been bold, and so she leans forward; splashing him directly in the face and laughs loudly. "Do I make you nervous, Bobby?" She jokes. "Anybody would think you're a virgin, I'm given you an open for a kiss for almost an hour now." She drops her right eye into a teasing wink and disappears beneath the water.
I let a gasp out loud and frown. She thinks I'm a virgin. If only she knew. I considered my options. We could kiss and it turns out horrible and then it's awkward and we don't remain in a couple because she finds some other guy who kisses better and actually wants to be in relationship with her.  Or I don't kiss her and she continues thinking I'm some loser virgin who hasn't kissed a girl yet. I see her head pop out from under the water. If we are the first kiss of the season that would give us a lot of bonus points. But not here in front of everyone too flashy. "Race you to the rooftop!" I yell yanking myself out of the pulling and running.
MC takes off at a fast pace, she grabs Bobby's arm and yanks him back; pushing him behind her.
"You will never beat me!" She laughs.
Bobby laughs and chases after her grabbing her around her waist as they both reach the roof. "Wow the view up here is beautiful." Bobby grins purposely looking directly at her. This was it the perfect moment. He leans down to reach her lips. He stands less than an inch away he can feel her breath hitch.
MC smirks, she leans back teasingly. Her eyes meet his in a dare. Chase me, her eyes dare him, work for it.
He grins and decides this is it. This kiss will make everyone fall in love with me and my charm. If I kiss her I am one step closer to the money and my own bakery. He gently pulls her chin up and kisses her softly. And in his mind is nothing but fireworks and the money of course. But damn she's a good kisser.
MC pushes herself closer to his warmth. It is hot out but she still cannot seem to get close enough. His kiss is intense, calculated. Something in it raises flags, but she ignores it. Instead she cups his cheek with one open palm and pulls him closer.
He sits down and pulls her onto his lap. BOBBY WTF ARE YOU DOING! his thoughts are yelling at him but in this moment he can't stop himself he's never felt this before and holy shit he needs more.
MC lets out a small, surprised squeak and pulls apart for a brief moment as she settles upon his lap. A small giggle slips from her lips, Bobby matches it with a chuckle of his own. She cannot help but stare, immediately infatuated.
"I think you're a good person," she finally whispers. "I trust you, I know we only just met but I feel like we have a spark..."
She trails off, brows furrowed, lips pouted.
He hides the nerves at her statement. It's not true and now he's gonna hurt her no matter what. "I know I feel the same." He said truthfully, he did feel a spark with her which was not good. He wanted her, no he needed her. But obviously he couldn't just screw this girl right away he wasn't like that. But then again he wasn't the type to use some girl for money either.
MC wraps her arms around his neck and smiles softly to herself. The unmistakable bing of a mobile rings out from bellow.

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