A challenge

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A/n:Bobby bold, Mc italic

Bobby woke up to MC staring at him. "Umm were you watching me sleep?" He questioned nervously. She giggled "no I was about to wake you silly." She hopped out of bed and He stretched then followed her. He changed into my swim trunks and put on my sunglasses. "IVE GOT A TEXT!" Hope yelled from the kitchen. Ugh I hope it's not another islander He sighed walking downstairs to see the islanders huddled around waiting to hear what the text read
MC skips ahead, her pinky linked with bobby's, and bumps her hip against hope's. Hope smirks, "It's a tweet challenge, guess we are getting all those dirty secrets."
MC laughs, "Interesting."
Bobby felt sweat form. "Shit this is not good." He quickly walked over to make some breakfast before the challenge would begin. Everyday he woke up so nervous that he was gonna get exposed. He bit his lip before walking back over to the others. He wrapped his arms around MC as the challenge began. He couldn't breathe as each tweet was read that wasn't about him.
Lottie skips forward, her eyes on a card and grins widely. "This is saucy."
MC glances around, catching each islanders eyes. Who is the snake?
Lottie clears her throat and reads: "Blank is the biggest player in Love Island history, I call it now. Blank needs to get out of their whilst she can."
Gasps work themselves around the group, MC glances around in panic; her eyes ought out Rahim's, but he is already holding Bobby's gaze; a smirk on his lips.
Bobby nervously plays with his hands. He locks eyes with Rahim. He knows he is so screwed. There is no way it's anyone but him. His lip quivers. He can't even look at MC right now he's too scared. They finally reveal the tweet "Bobby is the biggest player in love island history , I call it now. MC needs to get out whilst she can." Silence is all. Bobby can't breathe.
the game goes on and nothing really happens. Everyone is still in shock from that tweet. After the game Bobby stormed inside he couldn't look at anyone. This was all his fault. He normally would never do anything like this. Especially to someone as wonderful as MC. But he needed this money so badly and now he knew the public hated him he didn't stand a chance winning the money.
MC doesn't follow him, his actions have made her nervous. It all made sense if she thought about it, it all --
"MC?" Lottie calls from the kitchen. "Bobby? Get your asses in the kitchen, were making cocktails."
She laughs. "At 2pm?"
Bobby sighs and walks downstairs. He's too nervous to even look at MC at this point. She'll probably dump him by tonight. Then he'll be going home cause nobody else wants to couple up with him. Lottie hands him a drink and he downs it within seconds. "Another please." He mumbles
MC frowns, even more confused at his choice of actions. Why isn't he speaking to her? It was just a tweet, why is he taking it so seriously?
Rahim siddles up to her side and wrap an elegant arm around her waist. "Fancy a chat, MC?"
MC jumps, confused, and swats his arm away. "Don't touch me like that, please. You should know better."
She hadn't realised how loud her words were until she looks up, and everybody is staring at her. Even Bobby.
Atleast he can look at her.
Bobby frowned, he finally decided to speak. "Rahim can you leave her alone please, it's creepy when a guy touches a girl like that. So cut it out." Bobby was irritated. Since day one Rahim had been trying to find some way to get MC from Bobby. Rahim was just a gross guy like he seemed sleezy and Bobby didn't like him because near MC. Finally Bobby decided to talk to MC. "Hey love are you ok?"
She shrugs. "Not really, you've been ignoring me since the challenge. What's with that?"
The tension increases, each islander watching on in silence.
Rahim chuckles, "That's because --"
Bobby glares at Rahim. "Um could we chat somewhere more private." He begged. Standing up and offering his hand to her. He needed to get away from Rahim and his big mouth.
MC meets Rahim's eyes, she confused but she also feels as if Bobby is running from something.
"Because why?" she pushes.
Rahim meets Bobby's eye across the group and smirks. "Are you going to tell her, or am I?"
MC frowns. "Um, what--"
"Rahim can you ever shut the fuck up." Bobby doesn't even know what to do at this point. He can't tell her maybe if Rahim does he can deny it. "Listen Mc I'll be waiting for you upstairs. But if you would rather talk to him then I guess I understand."  With that he walks off. This is so bad. He realizes
Rahim shrugs. He looks MC in the eye, she frowns.
"He told us all on day one that hes only here for the money, babes."
MC shakes her head, "Shut it, Rahim. This is a game, everybody is here for the money in one wway or another. It doesn't mean he hasn't caught feelings in the process."
And with that she storms off after her lover, her head held high and her pride just a little higher
Bobby lays and stares at the sky. He has a pit in his stomach. Rahim is such a twat. He sighed and closed his eyes. He was so tired he hadn't been sleeping lately because he was so scared that MC would find out his secret. But now his gig was up so he might as well get some beauty sleep.
MC tip toes around Bobby, his eyes are closed and she fears she will wake him up.
"Bobby," she whispers. "Are you awake?"
A snore slipped out. As Bobby had completely knocked out.
MC smiles softly to herself and picks up the blanket discarded to the left of Bobby's body. She places it over him and pants a soft kiss on his cheek.
"Goodnight, love," she whispers and turns to leave.
The movement startles Bobby and he jolts up. "Oh MC sorry I must've fallen asleep. What are you doing up here trying to steal a kiss." He grinned. She seemed to not be mad at him so he decided to use some of that charm on her.
MC swirls around, her eyes are bright but her words seem dull. "Rahim told me about your game plan."
Bobby sat up. "He did?" She nodded. He sighed "listen love I can explain that." God Rahim is such a shit Bobby thought to himself for like the 100th time that day
MC shakes her head. "You don't need to, I completely understand."
At Bobby's confused stare she shrugs, a devious smirk on her lips, "Everybody comes in here with a game plan, Bobby. I guess I just have to hope that you are the one with the empty envelope."
He grins and pulls her on top of him. "How did I get so lucky he says planting kisses all over." Trust me sweetheart that envelope isn't gonna be empty it's gonna be filled with all that money I win. He smirked thinking about himself kissing the money rather than the girl he was straddling underneath him.
MC squeals at the contact and dips her head to plant a chasted kiss to his lips.
"I really like you, Bobby," She whispers. "I don't care about the money, you can have it all. I have plenty on my own. I did come here for love, but if you aren't willing to go down that path with me I am also not afraid to leave you behind."
She meets his eye dead on. "Understood?"
He looks down at her and grins. "Oh darling I understand perfectly." He pupils have darkened. He's really that lucky. He has now pinned her down and continues to kiss her before promptly kissing her neck. "Do you like that darling?"
MC squirms back. "Wait, I have a question still."
Bobby closes his eyes in slight frustration. "What is it love." He sits up slightly. To not put too much weight on her
She perks herself up on her elbows. "Why do you want the money so badly?"
Bobby figures if he wants to get some he can't screw this up. "Well I've always dreamed of owning my own bakery." She nodded. "Well I had saved up enough money back about 7 years ago to start my own business. But then my grandma got sick and I decided to help pay her hospital bills and that's how I got the job at the hospital once I was about to run out of saved up money. But now that my grandma no longer needs the money I was hoping if I won I could make her and myself proud." What a load of garbage he thought.
MC squints up at him. "Oh... Oh okay."
Bobby leans down to kiss her again. "So where were we?"
She smirks, her hand resting between his thighs. "I think I can jog your memory."

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