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Bobby laughs "no it's fine I like anything you make." He smiles

MC rolls her fingers into small fists around the blanket and glances up at him through her lashes.

"I'm sorry for hurting you," she whispers. "But you hurt me more and you need to understand that I won't be stepped all over."

"I know and I want you to know that even though you didn't pick me. I'm gonna fight for you like I should've been doing this whole time."

A small smile flickers up her lips and that darn sparkle lights up her eyes once more.

"That's all I want," she replies and then, with a cheeky smirk, she nudges his shoulder and whispers: "so how are you going to begin?"

He laughs, "maybe I'll start by making us something to go with these amazing drinks you made."

Her smirk transforms into a massive grin. "That might be nice."

he jumps up and walks into the kitchen. He decides to make muffins

MC waits patiently on the day bed, she doesn't hear Lucas walk into the kitchen

Bobby turns to come face to face with lucas. "Oh hey lucas." Bobby's face turned red

MC glances over dreamily and frowns at the commotion. Lucas looks pissed off, he glances between MC and Bobby

"What the fuck Bobby where is Mc!" Lucas yells. "Um outside." Bobby points nervously

MC meets Lucas eyes head on but she's too far away for him to hear her. She cocks her head to the side

Lucas gets closer to Bobby. "Listen I have a lot of money and a lot of power. You had your chance and now it's mine. Stay the fuck away from my girl."

MC glances away, she tucks the doona around her body and awaits the muffins

Bobby shakes his head. "Listen I may have fucked up. But she is not your girl or my girl. She is her own person." With that Bobby storms outside

MC looks up as Bobby approaches and smiles gently.

"What was that all about?"

Bobby shakes his head. "Nothing ah shit I forgot the cupcakes." There panic in his voice

MC giggles. "That's okay, why are you panicking? Do you want me to grab them?"

Lucas is still in the kitchen.
Bobby nods "sure."

MC stands and shuffles towards the kitchen. Lucas bumps his hip with her own when she makes it, and she laughs in surprise before retrieving the plate of muffins.

Lucas places his hand around here waist "come to bed love." He leans placing his lips on her ear

MC shakes herself free. "I'm not tired, I'll see you soon."

She plants a friendly kiss on his cheek and turns back to bobby. Her steps are fast as she moves towards him

Bobby watches them in the kitchen and frowns. He places his drink on the table near his chair and pulls the blanket over his head

MC let's out a small giggle when she reaches bobby and leans forward to peel the blanket off of his head.

"What are you doing?"

Bobby glances up. "Nothing. Enjoy your chat with lucas ?"

MC frowns softly. She places the muffins down before flinging herself onto the mattress. "I guess so, it wasn't much if a chat."

Bobby nods. He flinches as he feels her skin near his. "Aren't you tired?"

She shrugs. "I can leave you alone if that's what you want."

Bobby hesitates he doesn't want her to leave but he can feel lucas watching him. "Look I need to be honest cause that's what got me in trouble last time."

MC ducks her legs beneath the blanket and turns her curious eyes on him. "That's all i ever ask for, love."

Bobby smiles softly. "Umm basically lucas threatened me and said to stay away from "his" girl."

MC nods slowly, her eyes wander over to where Lucas is still stood; eyes on her. She frowns.

"I know you like lucas and I don't wanna ruin anything. I just wasnt going to let him say stuff like that." Bobby puts his arm around Mc nervously

MC turns back to bobby and, with Lucas still watching, presses her lips to his in one split decision moment

Bobby's eyes widen. He isn't sure what to do and he feels lucas glaring at him. He finally kisses her back. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Lucas yells

MC ignores her current partnership, she had already told him at the recoupling that they were only friends. She looses herself in the kiss and, just when bobby moves to deepen the kiss, she pulls back and stands suddenly.

"I'll see you in the morning," she whispers, a teasing glint in her eye.

She walks off, a fuming Lucas two steps behind her

Bobby's eyes widen and he falls back into the daybed. His grin is wide as ever. "Wow I think I love that girl."

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