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"Alright," Lottie clapped her hands. "First question is for the girls. Kiss the boy with the highest numbers."

MC grinned, dimples protruding from her cheeks, and surveyed the boys
Bobby stood next to Gary and felt nervous. He may have been a late bloomer but his numbers a had grown rapidly when girls decided freckles were in and loved licking them for some odd reason
"You pick, MC," Lottie pushed forward. "You have an eye for these things."
Mc frowns, staring at each boy in deep concentration. Her gaze meets Bobby's head on and then, at the last minute, she tip toes over toes up to Gary and licks right up the side of his face. Gary laughs loudly, and soon everybody else is cackling; amused by her choose in actions.
Lottie shrugs. "I was right, that's a point for the girls!"
Bobby grins at Garys face. He watches as everyone plays. But he can't shake what Elisa said out of his head. What if Mc was using him even more than he was using her?
MC laughs as the game continues on, her eyes are bright and alive. She is so, so happy. It is only when it becomes Bobby's turn that her smiles wavers.
"Bobby, you have to kiss the girl with the highest numbers," Gary chortles.
Oh shit, MC thinks. She knows that the girl is her, and she has a feeling that Bobby won't like it.
Bobby scans each girl. He's unsure and is between Elisa and priya. The worst two options as he knows kissing either girl might upset MC. He decides on priya. He gently kisses her. He feels her try to deepen it before he quickly pulls away
Gary flips the card over, his eyes immediately widening. "Um no, that's wrong. It was actually -- uh --" His eyes meet MC's frown across the group, "MC."
Bobby's grin falters when he hears it. His mind is racing. "What?" He finally asks clearly confused
MC doesn't meet his eyes, instead she kicks at the ground bellow her and demands the next question to be read.
Bobby frowns at her actions and crosses his arms. The game continues and islanders kiss other islanders. Bobby hasn't felt this insecure and jealous since his ex
The game ends, MC feels awkward; completely out of place. She concentrates on pushing aside her insecurities and links her arm through Bobby's. Her bright eyes look up at him, she stares at him like he is her world: the only man on the planet. "Smoothie?"
Bobby smiles weakly at the offer and agrees. He can't keep her eyes off her and she makes the smoothies. Their first time had been amazing. Why was he surprised she had experience. "What other positions do you know?" He blurts out
MC halts, her hands pause mid air and she turns her shocked eyes on Bobby. "Uh -- excuse me?"
What the fuck Bobby why would you say that. He thinks to himself. "Um I meant it in a good way. You have experience obviously we learned that from the game. So what positions do you know besides the one we were in the other night?" SHUT UP his mind tells him
MC blinks, astonished at his words. She opens her mouth, and then closes it. In fact she us no idea how to respond, was he seriously bringing it up like THIS? "Uh -- I don't think -- um -- you want to hear about that..."
Bobby was now enticed. "Oh but sweetheart I think I do. But I mean I don't want to make you uncomfortable. But having sex isn't something to be ashamed of." He licks his lips
MC laughs airly and continues to chop up the fruit. "I'm not ashamed, love. I just don't want you to feel insecure about your capabilities."
There is a smirk on her lips, she's teasing him but a hint of truth hides behind her words. He surely isn't the best she's been with, and she never wants him to feel less than  because of it
Bobby frowns. "What's that supposed to mean." He feels his face growing red
MC shakes her head, pushing the subject aside and plops down a smoothis infront of him. She takes a small sip and chuckles, "Nothing, babes. Nothing."
Bobby feels like he doesn't even know the girl he is sat across from. He can't even look her in the eye. He feels embarrassed. He picks up his smoothie and walks outside by the pool.
MC follows him, concerned. "What's the matter?"
He doesn't meet her eye. "Obviously I'm not the best looking guy here. I don't have the most experience in bed and must not be the best in bed. So why did you pick me?"
MC frowns. "I think you're the most attractive. I think you're funniest, and sweetest, and kindest. It hurts me that you ccannot see how great you are."
Bobby finally meets her eye. "Do you really mean that? I'm sorry to be insecure but I've been hurt before and I really don't wanna have it happen on national television for everyone including my mum to see." Tears glisten in his eyes
MC steps closer towards him, she holds his head in her palms and plants a sweet kiss to his cheek. "I mean it with all my heart, love. I promise."
He smiles softly. He's been so caught up with this girl. He forgot about the reason he came here. "Maybe you could teach me some tricks in the bedroom?" He grins cheekily his sadness slowly disappearing
MC laughs, amused. "Be a good boy and we'll see."
"I wanna be a bad boy." Bobby pouts before kissing her

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