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Chapter 1.

"Dani!" My mother's voice calls my name.

"Dani, wake up!" she knocks on the door unstoppably.

"I'm up mom!" I yell in response of her annoying way of waking me up. Though I need to thank her for not getting inside and splash water in my face.

Today's my first day of classes in this new school. My mom and I just moved here for a job she has, so she can work in a more comfortable way. In case you were wondering, what about your dad? Well, he died on a car crash 7 years ago. I was in it too but survived. For some time after he passed away, I wished it was me who died rather than him. We had a special bond that mom and I don't have, perhaps will never have. I love them both to the moon and back, though.


As I walk out of my house to the bus stop, my mom yells at me again. She always yells at me, why the hell she does that every single second!? I've been asking myself that same question some while ago.

"I'll be late tonight, there's food on the fridge!" she yells and I just hummed in response.

It ain't any weird that she comes home late, sometimes I wonder if she does like her job that much. I soon arrive at the bus stop where the bus should pass by in approximately 5 minutes. Suddenly, a guy dressed in black clothes stands near me and I stay in shock at his handsomeness. He has blue eyes, blonde hair arranged in a grey beanie and his tall figure dressed in a black outfit.

I smile at him, expecting to get a smile back, but I don't. In that precise moment, the bus pulls in front of us, making that embarrassing moment (for me) stay in the past. He ignores me and gets inside first, such a gentleman, then I get inside too. Some guys look at me, some girls do too, with the difference that they do with a disgust face. Wow, so kind, thanks. Some girls smile at me, though, and I return them the smile.

I follow the guy at the bus stop, his dark figure plopping down at the last seat. I sit on the other side of him with a really cute red haired guy. I smile to him.

"Hi, new?" he smiles back, his dimple showing and I nod.

"I'm Ronald but everyone calls me Ron, you?" he introduces himself. Oh my gosh, I totally love the name Ron! Proud Harry Potter lover.

"Nice to meet you Ron, my name is Danielle but you can call me Dani." I say as we shake hands. Suddenly, I spot from the corner of my eye, the guy on the stop's eyes on me. I look back to him but he turns away. He's so mysterious and I kinda want to know him.

"Hey Ron, what's his name?" I ask to Ron as he looks to who am I talking about.

"Oh, he's Luke, Luke Hemmings." he whispers, nodding. That's such a beautiful name, wow.

"Why is he so like, mysterious?" I ask, the intrigue growing way more every single second.

"Everyone says he's a kind of drug dealer." he answers with a shrug, not really sure about it. I don't think he's that type of person.

"He looks interesting to me." I look back to find him looking at me already; his eyes bloodshot yet gentle. I blush slightly and he looks away again, with his hands in his face hiding it.

"I don't recommend you to go after him, I don't know, you could get in trouble." he says as I keep on my mental interest about him.

For the rest of the ride to school, Ron and I would talk nonstop about everything that came to our mind. I was about to make my way to the principal's office when Ron practically hit a girl in her face with his notebook. I stood there for a while when he was apologizing and then I told him I had to leave so I did with a quick step towards the principal's office. On my way to meet my new director, I saw the groups of girls, the typical girl groups I've never been in and never planning to. It's annoying to see other people pretending or believing they're better than the others. Finally, I spot the black door with a sign that said "Principal's Office". A woman with blonde hair, blue sparkling eyes and tanned skin greeted me with a smile. "Hi, you must be Danielle." I nod and walk closer to her desk.

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