The Coming Storm-Part 5: Quinn Starbeam

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Twilight and her friends arrived in Ponyville.  They were greeted by a large crowd of ponies looking at something that they could not see.  "Uhm, excuse me.  What's going on here?"  Twilight tapped on a nearby pony's shoulder.  "Oh, there's a new pony in town!"  Twilight raised her brow.  A new pony?  Why had she not heard about this?  She made her way to the front of the crowd.  There was a large stage on wheels in front of her.  "New arrival?  Isn't this just Trixie's stage?"  As she asked this, Trixie's voice belted out.  "Oh, I wish!  No, this is a new showpony coming to steal the spotlight from the great and powerful Trixie!"  Twilight rolled her eyes.  As if the spotlight was ever really focused on Trixie.  Although she had become more tolerable ever since making friends with Starlight Glimmer, she was still rather egotistical.  Suddenly, a few lights came on, and a voice could be heard over a loudspeaker.  "Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready to be amazed by your mind?  Are you ready to meet the King of Illusion, the Master of Manipulation of the Mind?  Ladies and gentleponies, please put your hooves together for-" A platform on the stage opened, and a green unicorn wearing a dark blue suit and a purple cape could be seen on stage.  "Quentin Starbeam!"  Everypony cheered.  Well, except for Twilight.  "I have been travelling the world showing everypony the strength of the mind, and how it can make you see things that don't even exist.  And you Ponyvillians are the next on my tour!!!"  The newcomer uncovered his face.  He had dark purple eyes, and a small bit of stubble where a beard and mustache would be.  "And I have officially declared this to be my home base!"  The others all cheered.  Twilight simply stared at this newcomer.  Not only had she never heard of him, but she was rather surprised he chose to make Ponyville his-"And I've even heard this is the home of Princess Twilight Sparkle!  Is she here?"  Twilight gasped.  "Uhm, I am!"  She raised her hoof so the newcomer would see her.  The newcomer turned over to look at her.  "Ah, your majesty."  He jumped off stage and bowed to her.  "When I was told of the Princess of Friendship, I expected someone a bit...older."  Twilight scoffed a bit.  "Just because you're a princess doesn't mean you have to be a thousand years old."  "Well, even if you were, you definately kept the beauty of a young mare."  The newcomer, Quentin Starbeam, gave a small grin and bowed.  Twilight's face went a small shade of pink.  "Uhm, well, I-" But before she could speak, Quentin had disappeared.  She looked around, a bit flustered from his compliment.  The Mane 6 ran up behind her.  "Twilight?  Is something wrong?"  Rarity tilted her head a bit.  "Oh?  No, of course not!  I just...need to go for a walk!"  Twilight trotted away, and walked through the streets of Ponyville.  Rarity gave a small chuckle.  "Oh, she must have it bad.  Did you see how pink she was?"  "What in tarnation are you talkin' 'bout, Rarity?"  Applejack was incredibly confused.  "Oh, I do believe, darling, that Twilight is smitten with this newcomer."  Rarity giggled and watched Twilight walk down the streets of Ponyville.

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