The Coming Storm-Part 35: Reparations

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Twilight sadly trotted back home and sat down.  Spike walked in.  "Twilight?  Are you okay?"  She sighed.  "I'm so sorry, Spike..."  Spike sat next to her.  "I-I should have listened to you...and now, I hurt everypony...Including you..."  Spike hugged her a little.  "Hey, hey, it's okay..."  Twilight raised a brow.  "What do you mean?"  "You didn't know this would happen...No one could have..."  Twilight smiled a bit.  "Thanks, Spike."  Spike smiled.  "No problem.  Though you probably should start listenin' to me more."  Twilight giggled a bit.  "Maybe you're right."  A bit later, Twilight and Spike were at Celestia's castle, talking to the two princesses.  Twilight looked down.  "Princess Celestia, I-I'm so sorry...I was so blinded by this false love that I nearly got you killed..."  Celestia got out of her throne and trotted to Twilight.  Twilight looked at her, and her ears fell.  "If you no longer want me to be a princess, I understand."  Celestia put a hoof on Twilight's cheek, and smiled.  "That was not what I was going to say."  Twilight raised a brow.  "Y-You weren't?  But...this has all been my fault..."  Luna joined her sister.  "It was not your fault at all.  The only one who's fault this is is the one who chose to do this in the first place."  Celestia nodded and spoke again.  "None of us could have known that Starbeam would do what he did.  Not even us.  For all it's worth, you did great today."  Twilight gave a small smile.  "And I learned not to trust just anypony, no matter how kind they seem."  Luna and Celestia smiled.  "You are truly going to be a great ruler someday, Twilight."  Twilight smiled as Celestia sat back down on her throne.  "Now...what say we get back to planning the Festival of Peace?"  Twilight smiled.  "Of course!"  Spike smiled and watched Twilight talk with Celestia and Luna about the festival.  He walked out of the castle, where the rest of the Mane 6 and Discord were.  He gave the thumbs up.  "It's all good!"  The others all cheered and smiled.  "Let's go home, girls."  Rainbow Dash flew off, and the others left as well, minus Applejack.  "So, were pretty brave out there today..." Spike rubbed the back of his head.  "Ah, it was nothing."  Applejack walked up beside him and smiled.  "It was to me, sugarcube."  She gently nuzzled him.  He blushed and nuzzled back.  Applejack smiled and kissed his cheek.  Spike blushed more and smiled.  "Say, AJ?"  Applejack tilted her head.  "W-Would you like to be my marefriend?"  Applejack let out a squeal of happiness and hugged Spike.  "I thought ya'd never ask!!!  Yes, yes I will!!!"  Spike smiled and hugged back.  And so, the two new, TRUE lovers walked off together.  A few days later, the Festival of Peace was about to begin... 

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