The Coming Storm-Part 18: Mad Cowgirl

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Twilight walked through Ponyville, looking for her friends.  She wanted to talk to someone about Spike, and the Mane 6 seemed like the best option.  She walked to Sweet Apple Acres, and saw the Mane 6 all sitting under an apple tree.  She smiled a bit and trotted over.  "Hey, girls!"  The Mane 6 noticed her.  "Hi Twilight!"  Fluttershy smiled.  "What's going on, darling?"  Rarity tilted her head as Twilight trotted up to them.  "I've been looking for you guys!  You see, I have a lot of stuff on my mind..."  "Like what?"  Pinkie's mane was still straight.  Twilight raised a brow.  "Pinkie?  W-What's wrong?  Why is your mane straight like that?"  Pinkie sighed a bit.  "I-"  Rainbow Dash spoke up.  "Let me tell her, Pinkie."  She turned to Twilight.  "Spike woke us up at 2:00 in the morning to tell us that Quentin shouldn't be trusted, and then said that anyone who hangs out with you is a bad guy and it hurt our feelings!"  Applejack stayed silent.  Twilight looked down and put a hoof on her chin.  "Huh...weird.  He told me that Quentin couldn't be trusted also...and that was just today as well..."  "Oh, darling, he's just jealous!  I mean, he's just upset that you have somepony to love, and he doesn't."  Applejack gave a small glare at Rarity.  Pinkie sighed.  "Yeah..."  Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.  "Twilight, what do you think?"  Twilight sighed.  "I haven't seen him all day, and I've been worried about him..."  Rarity interrupted her.  "Darling, it'll all go over soon.  Once you and Quentin are together for a bit, he'll get used to it."  Rainbow Dash agreed.  "Yeah, and plus, he's just upset that he hasn't gotten somepony to like him ye-"  Rainbow Dash suddenly was interrupted.  "You two better be quiet!!!"  The Mane 6 turned and looked at Applejack, who was glaring at them.  "What's gotten into ya'll?!  Yer all sidin' with some pony ya'll barely even know over poor lil' Spike!!!"  Rarity raised a brow.  "Well, he's overreacting, darling.  Waking us all up at 2:00 in the morning isn't practical-"  "He was tryin' to tell us about somethin', and ya'll weren't listenin'!"  Fluttershy's ears drooped down.  "She...does have a point, Rarity..."  Pinkie nodded.  "We weren't exactly listening to him..."  Even Rainbow Dash, who was rather upset with Spike as well, nodded.  "Yeah...Even I agree..."  Rarity scoffed.  " comment from our barnyard friend here changes your minds?"  "Well...we were kinda harsh on him..."  "And we had every right to be!  He woke us up at 2:00!"  Applejack glared.  "He was tryin' to tell us to be careful!!  But you didn't listen, 'cus all you care about is yerself and yer diamonds and fashion, and could care less 'bout what he said!!!"  Rarity glared at her.  "And what do you know what I care about?!"  Applejack glared.  "I may not know much...but I know that Spike deserves somepony who actually listens to him and cares about him."  She pushed Rarity out of her way and began to trot away.  Twilight turned to her.  "Where are you going?"   "I'm gonna find Spike...and when I get back, ya'll better have an apology ready for him."  She trotted off to go find her little buddy.  The others looked at each other and sighed a bit.  Perhaps they were a bit harsh on the little dragon.  But poor Applejack had no idea what she would find when she went to find Spike...

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