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I finally got my work done, jeez working a farm as an orphan is hard. even after breaking out of the boys home, finding a nice abandoned house and having to make defenses like weapons and walls. farming sucks but it is what keeps me ticking, no friends, no more family and no proper tech.

I laid on a couch i found, nothing much but good enough. I got myself a little cookie, some milk. I'm technically a kid so dont judge me. i heard a roar and ran outside to a single grimm. Oh great he is trying to mess up my carrots. i reached for my holster carrying my short axes, specially made by me, it turns into sickle by opening the curved axe blade. works as a boomerang, naginata and i can connect the two together and use both sides. Nothing is more important to me than my babies.

I grabbed than and strutted towards the grimm yelling,"YO, idiot. My carrots!" I whipped one of my hatchet at its head while i charged it. my first hatchet dinked if its mask and i grabbed it and chopped into its back, relishing its cry. converted the other axe into the into its sickle form and hooked its neck, pulling its head off. i yanked my axe out its back and used the sickle one to hook its body, extending its handle which then turned loose and chain like.

As i dragged its body back to my house, i mumbled to myself smirking,"you would make some wonderful stew wouldn't you?" Yes i have developed a taste for things other than veggies, grimm meat. I heard another roar, no screech. I looked back to see a giant grimm, eight legs, giant mask and a golden stinger. It had giant claws, snapping at me as if to tell me i was dead.

It must have heard its comrade's cry, shit. I threw the dead body into my house and ran at the grimm. it swung its tail at me, pointing its what i presumed poisoned stinger at me.

I jumped at avoided, nothing felt better than fighting a giant monster but i didn't encounter this kind yet. i could see the fire in its eyes, great its pissed. i saw a claw coming at me and moved through the opening between the pincers. i got a a little pissed and got the sickle and converted it into an ice pick and the other one into its naginata form. I used my ice pick to hook one of the pincers and used the naginata to try and chop the right claw off. it wouldn't budge, a small chip and thats all.

Thats when i should have let it go and run, but it threw me into my house. I flew through the house destroying walls and furniture. i saw it charging at me and everything seemed to slow, i stopped and realised that its eyes had no shell, red soft and it would hurt like hell. i stopped and waited for the right time. when it raised its claws i jumped and zoomed below its claws. I slammed the icepick in my left hand into its eye while shoving the niginata blade into the seem between its mask and tuff flesh. I grabbed the naginata with both hands and used it as a crowbar to pry of its mask. i heard its scream and cry in pain, i cringed as the mask was slowly peeling off, reminding me of a giant nail being peeled of with strings of flesh sticking to it. when the mask came off, i took my weapons and walked away assuming it was dead. I sensed something coming at me, shifting out of the way.

I gasped for breath, its stinger cut my shoulder, bleeding, feeling the poison coursing through me. i looked back and saw the demonic looking beast, throwing my hatchets into its newly revealed soft flesh. i used its tail as a quick transport to its body, stepping on its head staining my shoes with blood,damn it. I chopped of its tail stinger with much difficulty, taking its stinger and stabbing it into the scorpion-like creature's head straight into its brain.

As the large creature finally fell, i leaned on its carcass to catch my breath. Taking notice of the fact that my house was in shambles, I walked to the first aid kit to hurry and get some poison antidote and a whole lot of bandages.

The next day, I woke up to one hell of a headache. I started to take apart the grimm's shell, hoping to use it as armour or a new wall for the house. As i was bringing in the last of its flesh to cook for dinner and place in my food supply shed, there was the sound of helicopters flying in to reveal a blonde lady with a long wand or stick. i knew what they wanted, the grimm. the city always wanted my kills.


She rolled her eyes at me and jumped of the helicopter and got in my face. i got creeped out and moved back,"hey, woman ever heard of personal space?" she spoke in a calm but tired manner as if seeing me drained all her energy,"You have been called upon by the city, if you don't go we will take you by force if needed."

I stared at her, asking myself,"is this a summons!?" she signaled for me to get on the helicopter which landed on my crops which i did not like one bit. i yelled and complained as i got on. she used some kind of magic to fix all my crops once we were in the air, while i stared in awe.

1 hour, 1 freaking hour. they brought me all the way into an interrogation room like place. They even took my babies away from me, not without a little scuffle though. the yellow haired wand woman sat opposite of me and stared at me before she started lecturing me along the lines of,"Readings going off the charts......Giant screams.....pain in the ass"

I laughed,"oh yeah, you think im the pain in the ass, any ways why am i here, i live alone, no city damage and all i did was kill a couple of grimms. Oh! Do yall happen to have some poison antidote?"

She told me in a malice filled voice,"If it were up to me i would have ignored it but someone just couldnt leave it alone. He wanted to see you today."

she stepped aside to reveal yet another person, a man with glasses and silver hair. he brought a bottle and a bag of chips with him, sliding them over to me,"The bottle is the antidote, drink it if you please, the chips are for you."

I chugged the bottle and kept the chips for later. He showed me a satellite video of the fight,"Who are you, how did you learn how to fight like that and where did you get your hands on weapons like those in the forest?"

I answered all of his questions,"Name is Nato Reeds, i live in the forest so learnt through experience, the weapons are hand forged and made by yours truly. We done?"

He got a smile on his face,"Nato Reeds huh, i see you were the one who escaped that orphanage years back. Everybody thought you had died."

"Well i aint dead, been living in the forest dude." he started again,"Do you know what you even killed?" I scratched the back of my head,"all i know they werent any old usual grimm. first time fighting one. But i killed it with my handmade axes so i think i do alright."

"killing that death stalker was no small feat, I have a proposition for ya, how would you like to be enrolled into a monster hunting school called Beacon?"

I scratched my head and chuckled,"seriously, look at my now destroyed house, my farm, i can't afford it, no prior education so no chance at a scholarship and its not like your the head master or anything." he then spoke,"well as a matter of fact i am and i just thought with your talent, you would make a great hunter. fully paid scholarship, an allowance for you to get food and you get a dorm in the school." I gasped,"NO WAY! Wait a sec, who the hell is gonna take care of my crops!? oh and arent i a little young to be entering Beacon, im fifteen."

Now he was laughing,"oh dont worry, there is another young student who is entering early, your crops will be taken care of by hired farmers."

He extended his hand and asked,"Deal?" I took his hand and shook it hard, signifying my acceptance. Oh if only i knew the bs that would follow.

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