Ef, shopping and my semblance

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I woke up to my alarm, annoying one at that. I sat up in my bed stretching my arms. I noticed that my blanket was weighed down by something, trying to pull it off of me. I looked to my side to see Ruby sound asleep on MY BED. My brain went into overdrive, thinking of how this happened and what could go wrong. I sneakily slipped out of bed, making minimal movement as to not wake miss rose up.

Making my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wear my contacts, yes contacts, I have weirdly coloured eyes, i wear them so that I'm not ridiculed by others more than i already am. I kept my contact casing in my bag to keep it from the rest, only Aaron knows about this so ya. As I came out with toothbrush in my mouth and foam dribbling from the sides of my lips, I saw that they were all still asleep. Yang was happily snoring away while blake was tossing and turning in her bed and weiss was still as a tree. I saw Ruby again still asleep, peaceful as ever. I quickly spit out the toothbrush and toothpaste foam from my mouth into the sink and rinsed it.

I decided to make my breakfast and get out before they wake up, maybe drag Aaron along with me to explore the campus. I made myself some eggs and bacon. I looked back and saw the rest of my roommates and felt like I should do something nice and make them breakfast. As I was putting their breakfast in the fridge and writing the note, Blake scared the shite out of me,"Morning, what are you doing?" My first reaction was,"DON'T KILL ME!"

That reaction woke the rest up and caused Ruby to fall off my bed and Yang to get in a fighting stance. Blake was very confused tilting her head. I was so scared and awkwardly walked away saying,"hehe, sorry, on edge, breakfast is in the fridge still hot by the way. Imma just change and go." i quickly changed into a black under shirt, black jeans and my torn up maroon hoodie which was torn by many a grimm.

I walked out and grabbed my day bag and walked to the fridge to grab a soda to drink as i walked. When I walked past the table, the four that were eating stared at my outfit in a slightly judgy kind of way. I picked up in this and tried to ignore it when Ruby spoke up,"Is that seriously what you wear?" I took offense to that and retorted,"At least i dont wear the same dress, hood, jacket or bow every single day." I tried to point out the outfits they have been wearing but this only led to a longer convo. Weiss had joined now," Rude, you should know I have many sets of the same dress."

I gave her a slow clap and faced the door and began my walk towards it when Ruby pulled my hood and spoke with excitement,"Now mister you aren't going nowhere in that, I am making it my personal mission to take you shopping and find you an outfit that doesn't look destroyed, burnt or too big for you. Yes I am referring to that sleeping hoodie you have." I groaned accepting my fate knowing how difficult women were. I sat on a seat at the table waiting for them to finish their food.

They took me down to Vale shopping district. where everything was basically grey. I was walking straight till i noticed that two of them left,Yang and Blake. They had left to go see a dust shop. This worried Weiss for some reason and ran in after them leaving me and Ruby together.

I looked at Ruby jokingly thinking to myself,"man......they left two people alone one with a giant scythe and killer skills along with a guy who broke out of an orphanage, excellent farmer and who technically has a criminal background....great thinking"

Ruby waved goodbye and started dragging me around the place and finally settled on a small clothing shop. She shoved me inside and greeted the clerk,"hello, uuhhhhhh my friend here would like some new clothings please?"

I facepalmed and whispered into her ear,"you suck at this..." She shrugged and the store clerk responded,"Anything in particular?" I jumped in to save Ruby anymore stupidity,"Hey, yeah I need two shirts any colour in an M size, three size 8 pants and three XL sized hoodies preferably in navy blue, black and pink. May i also try the shirts on later before paying?"

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