Oh Dorm Rooms?

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help me, they forgot to mention that since me and Ruby were last minute additions, we did not come with a room. Since me and Aaron are only a pair, we have to stay in separate rooms. I was assigned the dorm room with team RWBY and he was assigned to team JNPR. We fought over who had the worse situation whether being stuck with four girls or stuck with Nora eating everything was worse.

He won by default, I just didn't have the energy to argue. Oh and there wad no warning. We were given the room number, We opened the doors opposite each other. He got hit with Nora's hammer while I was met with four blank stares. Yang gave a look of realization,"OOOHHHHH, thats why we have five beds."

I walked in and took the one empty bed. They looked at me as if i was an attraction at the zoo. It was a Saturday when the test was done, rooms assigned the same day. I was still tired and in pain from my shoulder. I did not bother to take off my dirt stained clothes, only had enough decency to take my axes and stick them on the wall.

The school was smart enough to give us a full day and a half of rest before the semester begun. I heard them converse while i laid in bed staring at the ceiling. Weiss asked me,"So you gonna help us arrange the room or just gonna sleep?" I was not in the mood so I got up stretching and rolling my shoulder.

They stepped back as if i was gonna charge them. I looked at them,"So you guys are a team, I have to stay here. So we are roommates. I think ill sleep anywhere in the room, just pack it how yall want just give me a space on the wall." They gave a confused look, I walked away leaving them in shock. I kicked the JNPR door down and grabbed Aaron literally dragging him across the hall.

They were still in a state of shock, I begun to talk,"So this is Aaron and to clear up the past question, he is not my brother biologically."

I threw Aaron back to his dorm room, walking out of my own. Yang pulled my collar back into the room,"YOU RUNT, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!" She had red eyes and gauntlets at the ready.

I gave a smile and stood up. I widened my stance and laughed. She was ready to blow before i cut myself off,"Look, you guys are one team, I'm your roommate. But i guess we are stuck together so i wanted to not interfere with whatever yall want to do for decorations. I was gonna take a walk so see ya." A voice piped up,"But i wanted to make my first call as leader. To organize the room..." Ruby gave puppy dog eyes.

I pointed to the corner where i once was, filled with pride. They turned around seeing i had fully arranged my corner with my empty bag on the floor, clothes in the provided closet and extra food on the shelves. They looked back and fourth between me and the corner. I had to explain,"Well, since young i had a thing for getting things done fast so there my job is done."

I had gotten to the doorway when Ruby stopped me,"Hey wait, could you help us please? I suck at packing." I did a 180 and looked at Ruby and i started smirking,"Sure, but I want to see you guys arrange you're stuff and the beds first before i help. I would like to see you guys try and fit everything of yours into the closet, I only have two outfits and a uniform. Yall however have like 18 outfits, shoes and hygiene products. Ill be back in half an hour, wish yall luck!"

I walked out leaving a stunned team RWBY to gawk and stare. I was in the hallway when i noticed that the school was actually huge, the hallways were bigger than my old house. I went to the test forest which was apparently called the 'Emerald Forest'. I wanted to go there to train maybe relieve stress on some unfortunate grimm.

As the sun had set, I realized it was way past 30 minutes so i picked up a small ursla grimm and ran back to the dorm room getting a few screams and stares. At the dorm room, All i found was a giant mess of beds at posters all over the wall. Ruby noticed me and started to talk,"Well, i mean its okay right?" I sighed and threw the ursla into the room getting multiple screams and a 'oohhhh' from Ruby. I pushed them out of the room and left Ruby behind since Weiss was a bitch with a stick up her ass, Yang was a hot headed volcano and Blake was straight up creepy.

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