Chapter 4: S.H.I.E.L.D.

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*Liv's POV*

"My name is Phil. Relax. I found you because I told my best men to, and now I'm here to talk." "Who are these 'best men'? Who do you work for? And are there more of you?" "No just you and me." "I don't believe you... proof it. Proof it by giving me chocolate or something!" "Oh you are not in a position of negotiating..." "What am I then? A girl in the forest, a victim, a criminal?" "You are a  girl who is breaking out of her daily life, who needs to know the consequences. And yes you sort of are a criminal." "I do not like you 'Phil'...." "Oh that's sad... most people do." "What people?" "If you're really that curious, I'm from S.H.I.E.L.D. and you are coming with us!" "Just you and me, huh?!" I said when a few men walked closer to us, one carried a bow, and one wasn't a man at all, it was a woman in black leather suit. Yeah suit, as in a suit from a superhero or something. "All those people, just to fetch me?" "Oh don't feel honoured, they were.... in town. So they had some free time to help me fetch you."

I nodded and scoffed. "You know, as much as I liked this. I don't really feel like coming with a secret orginisation and being locked up, thank you!" I said and turned around, running away. Of course they tried to stop me, but I knocked down 3 of them, but then the man with the bow came in my way, and I looked at his face and gasped. MAN HE IS HANDSOME!!! I thought and got destracted, and the woman knocked me to the floor. "Ah crap." I mumbled. "You got me! Oh nooo! I feel terrible!" I mocked and smirked. "So... Hawkeye, I guess we could use your face more often when fetching girls from her age." The woman joked, and pinched the man with the bow, and he grinned. "I know I'm irresistible!" He said and they laughed.

Right... they have a strange humor, S.H.I.E.L.D.! Would they have chosen that word on purpose or did it exidently spell 'Shield'? I should ask later. Then I mentally hit myself. 'You're being arrested by a secret service nobody has ever heard of, you have no idea what they will do to you, and all you think is why their name is S.H.I.E.L.D.!?' I thought by myself and sighed silently as they coffed my hands, and led me to their van.

 The ride was bumpy and I cursed the little roads that went through these woods. "Not enjoying the ride, dear?" Phil said. "No." "Well, that's too bad, because this is going to be one of the last rides you'll have." "What are you going to do to me?" "You are going to be questioned and then you'll go into a nice cell." The woman in black said. "Nat, don't be so rude to the girl." "I'm not being rude, I'm just telling her the truth!" "She's terrified!" "Clint, she can mangage-" "I am not scared. I'm only laughing. At you. Being all stressed out at each other. Blind. Ignorant." "Okay I hate her." Phil mumbled.  "Thank you very much Phil Son of Coul!" I joked. "But seriously, where is all the fuzz about?" "You'll notice yourself!" "But-" "Sshhh... You're annoying!" I scoffed and turned away.

We arrived in a huge building, where a man with an eyepatch walked towards me. "So this is the girl." "What have I done that even guys with eyepatches know me?" "She's been like that whole the road!" The woman, Nat, sighed. "Natasha, you've got to go to Russia. Now. You're plane is leaving in an hour. Her eyes shot to Clint. Clint nodded and smiled. "I'll help you pack your things-" "Barton, you stay here and inspect Tess." "What the heck is a Tess?" I asked. "UGHH" Natasha exclaimed and she left, with Clint right behind her. 'Phil' took me to another part of the building, and I got thrown into a small room, with there, one table, two chairs and one plate of food. "Oh crap...."


*Natasha's  POV*

Another mission on one day? IN RUSSIA? Sometimes I wish I was still working on my own. But wait, then I wouldn't have Clint...

Clint followed me, and we walked towards my room, and not many people were in the hallway, so Clint grabbed my hand, and pulled me into a shady corner. "Nat... I don't want you to leave. I have a feeling something bad is going to happen!" "I'll be fine Barton." I joked, and tried to push him away with a smile, but he came closer to me, and I put my boot flat against the wall, my leg being on the hight of his hip, and he held my waist. "Natasha, please...." I wrapped my arms around his neck and he grinned. "I have been to many missions Barton, I will come back from it, just like I came back from all those other missions!" "I know you will!" He whispered and then he kissed me.

Since Budapest things had been different between us, sometimes we were fighting against each other, sometimes on each other's side, sometimes we kissed, sometimes we played with each other's feelings in a way we shouldn't. It was all so complicated. We were just little kids. And this.. this was puppy love, nothing more. We were trained to not do this. But yet we defy orders, because we're still rebellious spies. But MAN I loved kissing him!

We heard a noise, and I pushed him away, and continued walking, entered my room and closed the door. But Clint made a different call, he put his foot between the door and the door post, and I saw him grinning. "I love you Nat..." "I love you too, Barton" I grinned back and closed the door. I touched my lips softly, exhaled and sat down against the door. "Man... he's gonna get me killed...."


*Phil's POV* WARNING: No ships included in this part or gay intentions!

"Sir, they are almost finished." My heart jumped. Years I've waited. I ran through the hallways, down to one of the most secret parts, where my hero lay. I entered the room, to see some agents with fans and it was very hot in the room. "Sir, it's a miracle! His heart has continued!" I smiled and wiped away a tear. "I'm glad." "Agent Coulson are you alright?" "Yeah! I feel like a kid on Christmas!" I grinned and then nodded to the door. "Could you leave us alone, please?" I asked and the most important agents left the room, but some continued. One agent wept the ice, which turned into water, off his beautiful and perfect face. In real he is so much better then in the movies and comics. He could be like my father, or my grandfather! Or better- my brother! I chuckled at the thought. Some people dream of meeting Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt, but my hero is right here on this table, frozen but yet breathing, but mostly- alive!

I walked towards the one thing he carried when we found him in the ice- his shield. I looked at it, and touched it and inhaled sharply. "Are you alright, sir?" "Yes, yes I'm fine! It's just..." I put my arm into the back of the shield and lifted it up, and held it in front of my chest. "....I've been dreaming of being as brave and cool as Captain America since I was a little boy. And look at me now..." I smiled and looked at the scars in Steve Roger's face, and my smile faded. "Doctor, do these stains stay forever?" "No they will heal in a day. Super soldier he indeed is!" He mumbled and I grinned. "I think I'm going to  make sure I bring my collection to work soon!" "Sir we don't know for sure if he'll ever be able to walk again so don't even think about speaking-" "I am sure he'll be fine! He is a super soldier after all! He will survive.... He must.."


So yeah... I guess that's it for today!! :D

I really hope you liked it :)

Thanks for reading, please comment and vote, and tell me your opinion on Natasha's and Phil's POV!!! :D


~Dark_Angel_Loki <3

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