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everyone stared at his locker. no one could believe it. park jimin committed suicide last night. he was a quiet kid, had a small circle of friends, mostly known around school for his amazing voice, kind, caring personality and bright smile.

teachers loved the kid, his grades were astounding. but he was known for another reason, he was being severely bullied by min yoongi, biggest douche in the school. they all knew it was happening but they never got involved. it wasn't their business.

now they all stared at the small shrine. stuffed animals, flowers and pictures of him. there was only one person to hold accountable. the one who tormented him every day.

yoongi walked into the school, his best friend, jung hoseok, tagging alongside him. seeing the small crowd around jimin's locker yoongi snorted. "the hell's this supposed to be? that pig asking for attention again?"

he hadn't heard.

everyone glared at yoongi. something no one dared to do before today. jimin's suicide changed that. if only he were alive, the idea would've made him laugh.

they didn't help him when he was there, so why do they care now?

"you!" someone spoke through the crowd.

suddenly someone was pushing through the crowd of people, now advancing towards yoongi. "this is your fault! you fucking coward!" it was jeon jungkook.

the dead kid's friend.

he tackled yoongi to the ground, surprising everyone as he punched the older. a fight broke out. hoseok gasped, watching as jungkook and yoongi rolled around on the floor. there was a dark bruise forming on yoongi's cheek.

suddenly a tall man pulled jungkook off of yoongi. jungkook was sobbing, thrashing in the guy's hold. "this is your fault! because of you jimin is dead! it should have been you! it should have been you!" jungkook screamed as he was dragged away.

the tall guy was kim namjoon. jimin's boyfriend. he was crying. "that twerp's not dead!" yoongi snickered as he stood and fixed his clothes. "probably just pretending so he can get the attention that he so desperately craves-" just then the intercom went off, the principal's voice echoing through the school. 

"good morning students, if I may have everyone's attention. i would like for us to give a moment of silence for our recently departed student, park jimin. his death was approximated to be 10:13 pm last night. let us send our condolences to jimin's parents." at that moment no one spoke.

yoongi and hoseok became blank. the school was stunned into silence. jimin really was dead.

after some time the principal's voice returned. "please try to continue through your day. if you want to write a letter to jimin's parents go to the library during the third period. if you want to talk to your guidance counselor please feel free. may he rest in peace." the intercom turned off.

no one moved. they all believed it now. park jimin was dead. the bell for first period rang and everyone began to mournfully walk to class.

yoongi heard so many whispers as they passed him by.

"jungkook was right. it should have been him."

"they should throw his ass in jail."

"this is his fault."

"jimin didn't deserve this."


what they didn't know, however, was that two wrongs didn't make a right because now it was yoongi's turn to see what jimin when through.

guys seriously don't bully others. it doesn't matter if they're bad people already, bullying them won't make them nice.

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