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as time passed on the bullying got worse. everyone glared at him with fiery hatred blazed in their eyes. yoongi kept his gaze glued to the ground. the only thing on his mind was getting home.

suddenly he felt a kick to his back, launching him down the stairs at the school's entrance. his hands were in his pockets, he couldn't pull them out in time to catch himself.

"hope you die, you murderer." someone said as they stepped all over yoongi and his fallen books.

"rot in hell." another person growled before spitting on him.

he picked up his things, grimacing as he wiped the spit from his face. suddenly there were hands on his shirt.

"you really are pathetic you know that? no one wants you here. the world would be a better place without murderers like you." some guy seethed.

yoongi clenched his fists, he'd always had problems controlling his anger and this guy was testing his patience.

"what? big bad min yoongi ain't got nothing to say?" the guy snorted, raising his fist.

he punched yoongi until he hit the ground, his friends joining in once yoongi stop trying to fight back. yoongi could feel the familiar warmth of blood trickling down his face.

when will it stop? he asked himself.

"pathetic." the guy muttered, students around him laughing as yoongi was dragged around.

make it stop

"fucking pathetic!" he yelled as he slammed yoongi's head into the railing of the stairs.


yoongi fell to the ground, a small pool of blood forming around his face. the guy and his friends left, students beginning to leave the courtyard. yoongi's whole face was swollen, he could barely breathe.

he could only wonder how different things would be if he'd never picked on jimin in the first place. if he'd just left the younger alone.

but it was too late. the damage was done. jimin was dead. yoongi took that boy's future away.

and for that, he could never forgive himself.

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