chapter 6

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We walked off the bus making the walk to Tords house.

"Oh Tom make sure to take your shoes off, my dads just cleaned," Tord said when we reached his front door.  I nodded. He opened the door and yelled.

" Pa! I'm home! and Toms here!" Tord yelled. I heard a rustling upstairs and saw his dad come down. Tord said his dad's names were Patrick and Paul but I couldn't tell which one he was. 

"Hello Tord, I'm Patrick," ah that's who he was," nice to meet you.

"Hello!" I said. There was a strange smell of smoke in the house and I could see why when Tords other dad paul showed up a cigarette in his mouth.

"Paul I JUST cleaned," Patrick said. Paul laughed.

"Hey, your Tom right?" Paul asked.

"Yea thanks me!" I said.

"Thanks for letting Tord have a sleepover, it's very nice of you and your parents," Patrick said.

"Come on Tom! I'll show you my room then we can go!" Tord said. He grabbed my hand dragging me up the steps. My face got red hot, like fire when he touched my hand. Tord led me to his room. The walls were a tan color he had gray bed sheets and odd and end things scattered around. He also had a big desk in the corner of his room.

"I just need to get my bag. You can uh just look around if you want." Tord said. He opened a closet grabbed a red backpack and started shoving at least a week worths cloths in it. "My dads are making me take all of this haha!" Tord laughed. I smiled.

"Okay! Ready to go?" Tord asked.

"Yep!" I yelled we went downstairs and Tord said goodbye to his dads. We started to walk across the street and got to the front door. I opened the door and yelled.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!"

"Hi, Tom- oh! Hello, Tord lovely to meet you!" My mom said coming out from the kitchen.

"H-hi!" Tord said.

"Would you like some dinner? I made steak and mashed potatoes!" Mom sad.

"Oh uh, sure!" Tord said.

"Okay come on Tord follow me," I said. I walked to the dining room, Tord following closely behind. The table was already set and my dad was already sitting down.

"Oh! Hello, your Tord... Arnt you?" He asked.

"Ye-yea..." Tord sais sitting down beside me.

"Well, dig in!" Mom said. She handes us plates with food and we started eating.

"So..." Dad said after a minute "where are you from... Tord?"

"I uh am f-from Russia..." Tord said. I haven't heard him stutter this much since I meet him.

"Wonderful..." My dad said taking another bite of food.

"Well Tord, why'd you move here?" Mom asked.

"My uh d-dad got a n-new job..." Tord said also eating a bite of food.

"Do you have a mother?" Mom asked.

"N-n-no..." Tord said, " my uh mom d-died a while a-ago..."

"Oh! I'm am so sorry about that, I'm sorry if it's a sensitive subject..." Mom said.

"N-no no it's alright I uh diddnt r-really know her," Tord said.

"Sorry do be nosey but is it just you and your dad?"

" no uh- my dad and his uh best f-friend..." Tord said

"Yes, mom there both very nice," I said smiling at Tord.

"Oh!" Mom said as me and Tord finished," your welcome to have seconds."

"No thanks mom were gonna go upstairs," I said. Me and tord pushed are chairs up and headed upstairs Tors grabbing his bag.

"Sorry about that Tord there a little nosey..." I said as we got to the room.

"No, its a-alright." Tord said "nice room!'

"T-thanks man." God, I only knew this kid for 2 days and I'm falling head over heels for him. " hey w-wanna play with my Gamestation?" I asked.

"Oh!! Yes please!" Tord said running over grabbing a spare controller. We spent the next 3 hours playing video games. My mom came into my room.

"Okay boys, why don't you get changed and get some blankets, Tom. They're out in the hall. Me and your father are going to bed so please be quiet."

"Alright, mom!" I said getting up.

"Alright boys goodnight!"

"Goodnight," me and Tord said in unison as my mom closed the door.

"Why don't you uh get changed all grab some blankets," I said. Tord nodded and I headed into the hallway where the blanket cupboard was. I grabbed a big fluffy blanket to put on the floor and some to cover up with. I also grabbed some pillows. When I walked in Tord was just finishing putting his shirt on.

"Hey uh- I got the blankets," I said. I felt my face get extremely hot.

"Okay! Let me help!" Tord said. We played all the blankets and pillows out. It was around 10:30 so I turned off the lights and plopped down on the blankets.
I yawned," wanna go to bed." I asked. Tord nodded and layed down.

"Goodnight Tom.." I heard Tord say

"Goodnigt I replied. I woke up later that night to someone shaking me awake.

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