Chapter 1

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Sometimes stuff that looks good for you isn't always good for you. Not saying that stuff that's bad for you is healthy either what I'm saying is a toxic person can hid there demons well. A person can look good on the outside but on the inside there soul is damaged and it might be awhile before you can really see it or you might not see it at all until you make them mad and there whole mood change. A damaged soul can also damage your soul and turn you into a toxic person without you even realizing it.


When a person changes on you and there true colors come out it might seem weird and confusing at first because its not what you expected or seen coming and in some cases you think there going through something or acting out. You still wanna see good in the person and overlook the bad but I'm here to tell you don't overlook a person toxicness just because a person said that it wasn't anything big don't take a situation lightly especially when its dealing with your everyday life.What i mean is if a person hits you once then says sorry and that they'll never do it again leave them because if they'll do it once it could happen again and thats the same way for someone who goes in and out of your life . A person can turn you into a toxic person without you seeing it. What i mean is the person might call out something they don't like about you or something that needs to change about you and then you start to change a lot of things about yourself to make them happy and you slowly start to be like them without even really realizing or knowing some words of advice from me is never let a person change you or say something about you isn't right but you should always take suggestions take it in see the best way to change the thing that isn't right to your best fitting but if more then one person is saying you have a issue you should really look into the issue and try to change it either by yourself or with professional help.


Hey y'all if y'all got a topic you want me to speak on message me or even if you need some advice or someone to talk to I'm here 24/7 I'm always here to help I'm open and i don't sugar coat i tell it how it is

where you can find me??





or you can contact me on here also like and subscribe to my YouTube channel daledreams thanks

P.s.a play the music while reading it will put you in the mood(if you can mind multitask like that 😂)

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