Chapter 236

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Chapter 236

Brian gets up seeing that Elizabeth is already up and out of bed. He has to admit he likes it better when he wakes up and she is right there beside him. At the same time, he smells delicious foods. The smell of coffee and Bacon wake him right up. He sits up, putting on his robe and following the smells to the kitchen. Where he sees his son Tylor sitting at the kitchen table eating pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Zach is sitting in his high chair, and Elizabeth is making breakfast.

This wasn't something too knew as Elizabeth would make breakfast when they first moved here before the baby was born. Then Brian asked her to not worry about it, he would pick something up on the way to work. Not wanting to wake her up, he knew she needed her sleep. It was just nice seeing that she made his son breakfast and was taking good care of him. He couldn't ask for a better stepmother for his son.

"Goodmorning babe breakfast looks delicious," Brian says kissing her head.

"Morning, I thought it would be nice for Tylor to have a good breakfast before school. He was telling me last night, how much he loved pancakes, so I figured, I would make him some. Instead of always having cereal. I figured I would give him a surprise. Plus I was up early working on the book and couldn't sleep." Elizabeth answers.

"Thank you for everything you do for him. It means a lot to me. How is the book coming by the way?" Brian replies.

"You don't have to thank me. I don't mind at all. I know you put up with a lot from my kids, I thank you as well. It's almost done, I only have one last chapter and we could put it all behind us. Which I am very grateful for." Elizabeth responds.

"Don't worry about it. That's great, I know this time it was a bit harder to get through it. I am glad it will be over, it will be less stress for you. I am going to get ready for work." Brian comments taking another piece of bacon with him.

"Tylor I will drop you off at school," Brian adds.

"Ok, dad I will be waiting," Tylor responds.

"Yes, It will be a relief, to say the least," Elizabeth says.

Brian goes upstairs and takes his shower and gets ready for work, happy and calm with his family life. He never thought marriage would be like this. He never had a relationship like this before it was new and refreshing.

He was also very happy that Elizabeth would be done the final installment of the book. It would make her be more at peace as well. He knew it was a bit harder for her this time around and it caused a little friction. He didn't want to admit it in front of her, but he would be glad for it all to be over and for her to be just herself. He was happy with her being a housewife. He had no problems with it, he knew it wasn't something Elizabeth fully wanted when he met her, but he feels that now she is settling back into it quite well. She could always write again, the break would be good for her. She needed it, she needed to be free from it for a while.

Brian goes downstairs and kisses Elizabeth and Baby Zach goodbye. Picking up his lunch and his son Tylor. He goes and drops Tylor off at school and then heads to work. Walking to his office and taking a seat at his desk. He sees an invitation on his desk all fancy and done up. He knows right away it's from Matt's mother. He knew how she was, as she was always the fancy type. He opens it and reads it.

Your invited for Dinner to Celebrate Matt and Victoria upcoming baby.

It will take place on Boathouse row on the water.

On Saturday the 12th of Sept. Please dress formal and respond with your RVSP ASAP.

The invite takes him a bit by surprise since he thought the dinner party was going to be at Adams house. Then it didn't surprise him too much knowing his wife was a very fancy person. She wanted to go to the most expensive seafood restaurant there was. Brian sends in his RVSP to make sure they know him, Tylor and Elizabeth were going.

He knew that Elizabeth wouldn't get to see what Adam's house looked like and in a way he was glad. He knew he couldn't keep up with them just yet. And even though he knew Elizabeth wasn't about this stuff, he didn't want her to feel she was missing out on things. He wanted to offer her everything he could and more.

He also was hoping since it would be in a public restaurant, maybe things would stay calm and no one would get into a fight. Maybe it would keep Victoria in place. Brian didn't want anyone fighting and he knew there was a lot of things that could be brought up to fight about, from both sides. No one was an angel here. They just had to put the past behind them to get forward. He just wondered if all of them could.

He also wondered if this was another reason for Margret to have the party at a restaurant and not her home. He knew Margret wasn't too fond of Victoria. She did her best to stay away from her, only being in her company when she had to. Which was at least once a week, since Adam wanted them to come to dinner and bring Tylor. Margret would just stay quiet and try to keep things under wraps. Not wanting to fight or have a showdown, all for the sake of Matt.

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