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Chapter 1.
Dishones' Diary

When Mr. Strict Rule finished marking the register there was a knock on the door.

Everybody in the class looked at the door to see who is the dare devil that made up courage to disturb a class conducted by Mr. Ferdinand {Mr. Strict Rule is the way how we baptized him.}

With a slight nod of strict rule's head he came in to the class opening the door right in to the class.

A big mistake to do on your first day at 'The Academy of English, Humanities & Social Sciences"
as almost all the doors made a loud scratching noise when opened in to the room.It would have been OK to make such a mistake on your first day. But Mr. Ferdinand' s classes were always an exception.He also must have smelled the situation as he stopped and looked questionably at Mr. Ferdinand.

"I'm sorry if I disturbed....." he started saying while licking his pink lips expecting any storm to appear.
So did we. But leaving our mouth agape it was not a hurricane. Not a tornado. Not even a thunder storm.

"It's fine Shawn. How was the trip to Colombo" Mr. Strict Rule asked from him and he replied with a smile that could light up a dark room.

His eyes narrowed as he smile and in his fair face there was a slight blush. I liked the way how his face wrinkeled up as he smiled.

"It was fine father! " he replied.

Wait! What! Said your whom!

Was what I thought before it clicked my mind that Mr. Ferdinand is actually a father of the church that was there in the academy. The academy was maintained by the church and all the Christians were free to learn or either given discounts. Everybody, even Christian students thought it was unfair but I could not help thinking that they were slightly happy of the previleged they received.we'll after all who does not like to be treated special?.

"Hmm go and get a seat. I have already included your name to the register. "
with these words of Mr.Ferdinand he stepped further in to the class and leaving my heart thumping, actually rather dancing he stopped before me and stared in to my brown eyes with his yellow mixed brown ones.

His eyes were so beautiful and looked unrealistic and spherical as he himself was. I was lost in them until I heard him clearing his throat.

"urghm! Is this seat occupied"
He asked with a decent voice still holding his stare in to my eyes.

" urgh oh yeah!" I replied soon realizing that I had taken more than the usual amount of time to reply somebody.

I took my bag from the seat and placed it in the row of seats behind me. The class had more seats than students and our class had nearly twenty empty seats so most of our bags also had their own seat.

Dishone's Diary/shygayteencutie ✔️✔️Where stories live. Discover now