Bit Melancholic...

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Shawn had his effect on me as I felt an electric shock when I saw his face so near to mine.

"Woah" though I thought I screamed except Lehan and the boy next to him, nobody looked at our direction.

Also the head of Mr. Strict Rule bending over the register assured me that I had not been so loud.

I looked at Shawn's direction as I was not sure why he came and joined me.
Reading my face of a mirror he asked

"You have the novel with you don't you?." and then poking the cheeks of Lehans' butt with his pen he continued to say

"This ass had forgotten to bring it"

"Who said what to whom? "
Lehan asked turning at the direction of us again and continued to say

"Do you want me to slap you in the face so that your misplaced eye balls will fall back to the accurate position. Aaah!"

I could not help but to laugh at this statement as Lehan went on fake threatening Shawn. He continued

"Now you better tell me which part of this gorgeous body looks like a farm animal!!!"

Though they managed to keep this conversation low I could not suppress my self from laughing.

I always had this uncontrollable laugh and my mom always considered it to be unrealistic and always asked me to not to over react. I was also certain about what my mom meant but I could not help when it comes to moments like these. At intense moments I always lost control over myself and that resulted the horrible outcome of me laughing in most inappropriate moments, in the most inappropriate manner.

Just in the case if you cannot figure out what those moments are this moment would example itself to you.

"Oh shit" you heard Shawn curse under his breath as Mr. Ferdinand raised his head from the register and looked at our direction.

"Dishone I know it's you..... and I want no explanation. Read the novel to the class today and if you want to laugh any time sooner please consider going out of the class and I do not mind even if you did not return"

Well we called him Mr.Strict Rule for some reason. And though I felt embarrassed my feelings were washed away as Shawn looked at me with his golden brown eyes and squeezed my hand letting out an inaudibal sorry.

He bit his thin lips and for some reason I found it really attractive of him.

Once I was ready to convince him that everything is just fine, Mr. Strict rule spoilt the moment by jumping in

"OK Dishone, begin"

I stood up and and stared reading 'Remains of the Day'

"Day two - morning Salisbury..."

Once I read the name of the chapter Shawn placed his hand on the small of my back and I still remember how paralized I felt at that moment. I could feel his palm cupping my butt cheek and I felt his fingers pressing against me. With his hand he quickly patted my butt signaling me to stop.

So I stopped and watched Shawn standing up turning on the spotlight upon him.

"Father I don't have the book with me so can he read while sitting so that we can share the book"

"you can come to the front and share Lehans' book" Mr. Strick Rule said.

Dipping the class in an ocean of laughter Lehan said "well father I'm also sharing Nizams book"

Mr. Strict rule cleared his throat almost as a warning sign and the class went dumb. Of course nobody want to be a pathetic victim of Mr. Strict Rule.

Interpreting the slight nod of Mr. Strict Rule Shawn whispered me to sit down. And we both sat down.

Dishone's Diary/shygayteencutie ✔️✔️Where stories live. Discover now