facetime part 15

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Y/n's pov:

Grayson pulled away and pulled me into his embrace, but I was still so confused. I laid my head onto his chest and closed my eyes trying to figure everything out.

Grayson's pov:

I love her, I really love her. She's stuck beside me through everything. She was caught in the middle of a mess that I made and she never once gave up on me. We had our moments but we always found our way back to each other, every time. I know I'm only a junior in high school and it may be too early to start thinking about this, but I really want to marry her.

Y/n's pov:

It was silent, but the good kind. It wasn't awkward if anything it was relaxing. I slowly drifted off to sleep as Grayson's hands stroked my back. I felt him pick me up gently and lay me onto the couch, him press his soft pink lips onto my forehead and kiss me.

It was soft, and gentle as if he were afraid to wake me. He was always afraid to harm me, even when we were best friends he acted as my shield between the petty rich girls, and the dickhead jocks.

Grayson had my back and I had his, I feel like now things are complicated and we don't have each other's back like we used to.

Everything is so confusing now and I don't know whether to keep trying or give up on us completely.

Grayson is a great guy, and is everything I could ever ask for, but is it really worth all the drama and confusion ? I scared myself and jumped out of my sleep, Grayson was there.

"Woah hey hey you alright?" He asked me softly and pulled me closer rubbing my back.

"Grayson" I said scared.

"yes?" He asked me and looked down at me.

"Do you think we will last?" I asked him honestly, I wanted to know if this was worth putting myself into with the possible outcome of heartbreak and drama. 

@sweetedols on instagram 😋

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