Hustle HARD: Broken Heart

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OUT. Curtis was out of the hell hole with his real name to him and only him.

Curtis walked out of the jailhouse and put his lips to the only woman he had left. Beautiful brown skinn, with a short bob, and thickness making up her body was Chasmine.

"Damn, I sholl' have missed yo ass," Curtis said biting on his bottom lip with his top thick one at Chasmine.

Chasmine smiled and rubbed her finger across his chin.

"Why miss when you can have, baby?" She asked biting her lip slightly as well.

Curtis smirked wanting to fuck her right outside the court house, but before he could go for her lips again she put her finger ontop of his.

"First, you need a good meal, baby," she said pecking his lips quickly before leading the way and jumping inside of her Chevy.

Curtis sat there in the passenger seat as Chasmine drove he was thinking of how he lied to Chasmine all of these years and how she needed to be his real wife, but he was going through a divorce now.

A divorce he hated to have to happen because it affected his kids. That was one thing he was actually thinking about in the situation everytime he went back and forth and while he was in jail for nine months, how he did this shit.

He knew that Angel knew he cheated, he just thought she didn't know all of the shit that came with it, the dirty laundry. But she did.

"Baby you alright?" Chasmine asked rubbing on his thigh with a worried look.

Instead of responding Curtis just nodded. Curtis was too busy thinking about Angel for some reason. He had to admit that he missed her, all of her and he missed his kids, especially little Angel.

He hadn't seen any of kids in months as he was in jail which was understandable, but he tried to think of the bright side of everything; he was still about his business: his hustle. He was working. Too hard. He was calling in orders while in jail. Too hard. Making moves. Too hard. Being who he was since the young age of fifteen.

He had one of his trusted workers handling his shit, but the funny thing was he hadn't got one visit and had been sitting in the jail thinking he was running shit while somebody else was.

Curtis entwined the hand on his thigh with his. Chasmine looked down and smiled slightly and him, with a tear sliding from the crevice of her right eye.

She wiped it before he could see with the hand that was once attached to his as she parked her car, with a pang in her heart, in her yard.

Curtis looked up at the big ass mansion and smiled. He was back and that shit felt awesome, he was about to see his babies.

Chasmine got out the car with a small breath from her mouth and got out the car after Curtis. She wasn't sure how this was going to go but she had to do it. She had too do it for her freedom, for her kids, even the ones that wasn't hers but shared the same blood as her children, and last but not least the one who was lied, and back stabbed just like herself.

"You ready?" Chasmine asked standing in front of the glass door.

"Yeah, I'm ready to see my babies."

Chasmine smirked, and slid her key into the door almost in slow motion and the sound proof door was no longer sound proof as they walked in the house.

"Oh the kids are gone that's why the musics playing I have a surprise for you wait down here," Chasmjne said walking in. Before Curtis could interject she kissed his lips and slid a rag out of her jean pocket.

She removed her lips from Curtis.

"Close your eyes," she said.

Curtis wanted to see what was up because he wasn't up for surprises but he wanted some p*ssy, bad. He hadn't had any since the nine months in jail, besides a little honey that came one time, but she wasn't compared to Chasmine nor Angel. So he let her put the rag on his eyes.

He soon felt a loving sensation hit his neck, and the sucking soothed him completely.

"Damn Chasmine!"

Curtis tried to pick his hands up and put them across her hips that were in his brain right now. He wanted to gold them right in his hands but when he tried, she didn't let him.

"No baby let me cater to you," Chasmine whispered in his ear.

Chasmine stopped pleasuring his body and went over to the music letting it take control of her body and the moment.

Baby I See You Working Hard
I Want To Let You Know I'm Proud,
Let You Know That I Admire What You Do
The More If I Need To Reassure You, My Life Would Be Purposeless Without You (Yeah)
If I Want It (Got It)
When I Ask You (You Provide It)
You Inspire Me To Be Better
You Challenge Me For The Better
Sit Back And Let Me Pour Out My Love Letter

Chasmine picked up the silver off the kitchen counter and put it into her hand as she walked over to Curtis.

She didn't waste time unbuckling his pants as she kissed his lips softly then his neck roughly. This time she let Curtis run his finger across her waist as his pants were down and the only thing there was his boxers.

Let Me Cater To You
Cause Baby This Is Your Day
Do Anything For My Man
Baby You Blow Me Away
I Got Your Slippers, Your Dinner, Your Dessert, And So Much More
Anything You Want Just Let Me Cater To You
Inspire Me From The Heart,
Can't Nothing Tear Us Apart
You're All I Want In A Man;
I Put My Life In Your Hands
I Got Your Slippers, Your Dinner, Your Dessert, And So Much More

Chasmine moaned to hide her cries. And she did it so well, that Curtis just thought it was pleasure but it was way more than that; it was about her heart, her love. Love was something she had given Curtis maybe too much, and look at how her repaid her: by cheating. Hurt wasn't even the word anymore that was long gone.

I know there are no guarantees
In love you take your chances
But somehow it seems unfair to me
Look at the circumstances
Through sickness and health 'till death do us part
Those were the words that we said from our hearts
So now when you say that you're leaving me
I don't get that part

Curtis wasn't even paying attention, but he couldn't help to hear the next words that fell out of Chasmine's mouth as she was making 'love' with him.

"I did anything and everything to cater to y-you," she pushed the knife into his back, over and over again.

I'm not gon cry,
I'm not gon shed no tears
-Mary J. Blidge

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