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A/N: Hiya eggplants! Okay, this book has 1,111 reads! Do you know how amazing that is?! That is very amazing. You lovelies are the best. And I want to thank you a ton, 'cause I never thought any of my books could get this far. <3

Luke's POV (*gasp* shocking, I know.)

The day after I talked to Ashton, I was extremely nervous. Then, Harry, Calum, Connor, and Michael burst into my room.

"Gues what?" Connor said in an excited ton.

"What did you do?" I asked. "Did you get into another deal with a cat? I am so not helping you this time." I glared at each one of them.

Michael rolled his eyes then glared. "I thought we were never bringing up the cat inncident again?!"

"Well, you never know." I said.

"The cat thing was only one time, and no, that's not it." Calum said.

"Whatever, this has nothing to do with cats." Harry said.

"Now guess." Connor said.

"Guys, I"m really not in the mood." I said. "Ashton's surgery is today."

"We know,duh!" Calum said.

"Speaking of Ash." Michael said.

Harry pulled out a plane ticket. (A/N: And a shiny diamond ring with your name on it. Lol, I had too.)

"You didn't!" I said. 

"Oh, but we did." Calum said.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I ran up and hugged them all.

"We packed your clothes for two days and one night."

"But,how?" I asked.

"We have magical powers." Connor said.

"We all pitched in some money." Harry explained.

"Now go lover boy! Your flight leaves in three hours, and you should get there right around when Ash gets out of surgery." Michael said.

"You guys are the best friends I could ever ask for." I said.

"Okay, okay. Hurry up!" Calum said.

I grabbed my suitcase and rushed out the door.

"I feel like a proud mama sending her baby out into the world." Calum said.

"That's weird, Cal.Are you crying?" Michael asked.

And, I could just hear Calum slap him and yell at him to shut up before I left. They are such a weird couple. But, then again, they're both weird peope too. How do end up with the craziest friends? Oh right, I'm crazy too.


I always think hospitals smell really weird. I would go visit Ash anyways. 

"I'm here to see Ashton Irwin." I told the lady at the front desk.

"He's on floor seven, room 194." She pointed down the hall towards elevators.

"Thanks." I headed up into the elevators and pushed floor seven. 

I got out and stumbled across another nurses station.

"Uh, I'm here to see Ashton Irwin." I asked to a bunch of nurses sitting there.

A lady with brown hair raised her hand. "That would be me." 

She walked over towards me. 

"Hi, are you Ash's nurse?" I asked.

"Yep. You must be Luke." She said. "You have a great voice by the way. Ashton never stops talking about you, it's so cute."

"He is really cute, if he asks, said I called him manly though." She luaghed. "Is he through with surgery?" I asked.

"Oh! Yes! Everything went according to plan. He woke up about ten minutes ago, so he's still really loopy. He can't control anythng he says."

"That sounds fun." I said.

"It is." She winked and led me down the hall. "Ash, Luke came to see you." She turned towards me. "I'll be back in about half an hour. Have fun."

"Bye." She then left me and Ashton there.

"So, are you the sex-on-legs I keep on thinking about?"

I basically choked on air. "W-what?" He had already gone to talk about something else.

"I like rainbows. Your hair is like is like a rainbow, it's just like- Whoosh! Can I pet  it?"

"Uh, sure?"

He started to stroke my hair, It's like a weird tall skyscraper. Can I climb it?"

"Uh, what?"

"Nevermind, I'm king kong! RAWR! RAWR! RAWR! FEAR ME BITCHES!" He jumped on my back.

"Agh, Ash! I wasn't ready!"

"Like you won't be ready for my dick." He whispered in my ear.

I started choking again.

"AAAAA! You can't be dead! Your rainbow-shaped hair will die! No. Not the rainbow!"

I was lying on the ground. He jumped on top of me.

"Does it taste like rainbows?"

"What?! No, Ash!" 

It was already to late.

"TASTE THE RAINBOW!!" He screamed and licked my hair.

"NO!" I set him down on top of the bed.

"It didn't taste like rainbows." He said, sadly.

"Well, it's hair." I said.

"I'm sleepy." He pouted.

"I know, sunshine, come here."

"You're the one who'll be coming." He wriggled his eyebrows and cuddled into me.

"That's funny, that's what I said to you when I was drunk. But, he already was softly snoring in my arms.

A/N: That was terrible. I don't know what just happened really. Luke has to leave tommorrow.:( But, I still ahve ideas for this book. It won't just be all filler until the end, I hope. Okay bye lovelies.


P.S.  I'm suprised you haven't stopped reading yet.

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