Ch.2 Swim Meet

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A/N: I'm gonna write a couple of chapters a head of time for this story because I won't be writing all weekend and i want to have enough time to update everyday. Also you have to be 16+ to enter DerpCon like wtf? Ugh, the wonderful agonies of being 14. 

The rest of the day went by slowly and tortuously. (A/N: Is that even a word? Idk.) Doesn't every school day? It was finally time for me to go watch Luke's swim meet so I could tutor him later. Swimming's pretty cool. I'll do football later in the year, so maybe he'll come to my games.

"Hey Ashton! You can just walk through the locker rooms with me and then I'll show you where you can sit." Luke walked up to me in the gym next the pools.

"That sounds good." I said back to him. We walked into the locker rooms.

"Okay, the pool is through those doors. I'll meet you out there." He pointed. I walked through the doors and found a chair to sit and watch. I had already finished my homework in study hall, so I could study with him the whole time. Don't you dare think what I know you're thinking. I actually think about these things. Luke came out with his team. If you imagine them walking out with super cool music playing and looking cool as fuck, then you are right.

"Hey" Luke said. "These are some of my swimming friends." He pointed to a boy with brown curly hair and green eyes. "This is Harry."

Harry waved to me. "Most people just call me Haz."

"Hi, I'm Ashton." I smiled at him. He looked really hot. I mean all of them did, but I'm pretty sure none of them were gay and Luke was already claimed by Calum. You don't mess with sassy Calum. All I'm gonna say. 

"And this is Connor." Luke pointed to a boy with brown spiked up hair. 

"Hi, Ashton you said, right?" 

"Yep, that's me." I smiled back at him.

"Boys! Lets go!"

"That'll be coach. Nice meeting you, Ash!" Haz said as they ran and jumped into the water.

They were all really good. I could tell because those three were the captains and they had a silver stripe down their swim caps. I could see why they were. They creamed everyone on the team. The meet was over sooner than I thought. Luke waved his hand for me to come over. They were talking to the rest of the team.

"You did great guys." Luke said.

"We're gonna cream South at the meet!" Connor said.

"Yeah!" The rest of the team said.

"Alright guys, Panthers on three." Haz said. "You come too, Ashton, coach said you van be our manager!" Hold on. What? I put my hand in anyways.

"One. Two. Three. Panthers!" We all yelled. They all shaked their hair like dogs in the middle. I wasn't prepared and I got soaked. Me, Luke, Harry, and Connor walked into the lockers. 

"So, um, what's this team manager thing?" I asked kind of nervous.

"Oh, its nothing." Connor said. "You just come to the games and supprt us, just basically help me, Luke, and Haz."

"We had to nominate someone who's not already on the team. So, we voted you." Luke smiled brightly.

"Oh, and come next time in a suit." Haz said. "You have one, right?"

"Yeah. I'm not much of a swimmer though." I said, shyly.

"That's okay. You're just motivation." Luke winked at me. What the heck did that mean?


I was still freaking out when we were driving to my place. Like, an alsmost panic attack. What was wong with me? I never flipped this much over a guy before. Well, tutoring should be fun. 

A/N: Gopher game! Whoop, whoop! Against Illinios, the one's we creamed last year for the bell! The one we broke lol whoops. I was at that game!!! My dad's going without me this time. :( Oh well. Also the highschool is Lakeville North Panthers and Lakeville South Cougars.


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