Your Drug, My Addiction

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You were the stranger

i only knew your smile, i only knew the way you talked

i only knew the way you put your hair behind your ear or the way you laughed

but... what i didn't know was how far i'd fall for you ... just looking into your eyes

you name pops up on my on my phone, I get butterflies

you tell me you loved me, my heart stops

you wrap me up in your warm hug, time slows down

who knew i'd fall so hard?

who knew how hard it be not to see you

who knew you'd make me feel this way?

Your love is like a drug...

i can't get enough

i might die without it

it leaves me with unbearable side effects: heartbreak, jealousy, lost, sleepless nights, pain

yet, i can't just stop

love: the deadliest drug out there

who knew i'd get addicted to yours so fast?

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