8- Christmas

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Time skip to 2 days before Christmas

Will woke up shivering. He hated being cold especially waking because of it. He checked the clock and it read 3:47am. He went in his closet to try to find a sweater maybe if he was lucky a hoodie. May was fast asleep and same with Jonathan, Joyce, Hopper and Jane. The two still hated each other alot. Jane was told no powers in the house, which keeps Will safe. But for now the only people that know about Mike and Will are the two boys themselves. Will walked out of his room to get a drink of water. He saw Jane standing there getting some water as well, he inroged her and grabbed a glass cup.
"You know sometime you have to notice me" she said
"I do but i just don't want to"
"Why do you hate me?"
"Because Jane, Mike broke up with me because of y-"
"Aren't you two like friends now?"
"Yes, but I still hate you, alot"
"What you still like him?"
Will sighed and took a sip of his water
"It isnt easy getting over someone you loved for years" he said before shutting the door behind him. Jane was shook she hated Will loving Mike. At least they "broke up" but she had to make them not friends so she can have Mike all to herself.

Christmas day

Will was on his bed wrapping presents he got for his friends. He was going to Mike's before everyone else, he made him a braclet made from his favorite colors, red, blue and purple. He didn't want anything too obvious to show love when they weren't supposed to. He got May a sketchbook with drawing tips in it. He got Max new stickers for her skateboard. He got Lucas a new bandana and Dustin a few pictures of the party he had.

Mike got Will a necklace that said Will Byers and a heart next to it. He got Max alot quarters for the actrade and Dustin a book he wanted about a group of boys on another planet and fighting back to Earth. And Lucas a pack of fighting tips.

It was now time for Will to go to Mikes. He biked until he got to his house. He grabbed his bag with all the gifts in it and knocked on the door, Mike answered
"I got you something not too lovey to make the party question"
" me too, come in" Mike said as Will walked in. They sat on the couch and gave eachother their gifts.
"1,2,3"the two counted before opening their gifts that made them smile.
"Thank you I love it, help me get it on!" Will excitedly said
"I love mine too" he said as he put the bracelet on and helped Will get his new necklace on. "You look pretty" he said before Will hugged him. Will looked up at Mike and Mike kissed Will on his soft lips. They both pulled away and Will rested his hand of Mike's chest
"Am I going to just pretend I didn't just see that?" Nancy said making the two boys quickly pulled away from the hug and quickly blushing. Nancy was against the back "you can't hide what I saw love birds" he laughed
"What did you see?" Mike asked
Nancy then made a kissing face
"Just when the others come,dont tell them. Please" Will quietly said
Nancy nodded "but why"
"Because we aren't ready yet"
"Ok. See you soon love birds" she said going up to her room
"Dont call us love birds" the two yelled making Nancy laugh

Soon Richie came with Bill, Eddie and Stanley. Will and Stanley talked as Eddie, Richie, Mike and Bill talked. Following them the party and Jonathan and Steve.

Soon everyone was eating at Mike's after opening gifts. Mike moved his hand over to Will's under the table. Max notice this slow movement. She knew the two still liked each other but she still questioned. Mike saw Max's glace and moved away making him blush. Max thought maybe that Mike wanted no one to see his first move to try to get Will back. Joanthan and Nancy went up to her room as Steve helped clean up and the kids ran down in the basement. Richie tripped and fell "shit" he mummbled as Will and Mike tried catching him. Three of them fell on top of each other down the stairs. They all groaned as the rest laughed.
"Richard get off" Mike said
Will tried to speak but the weight of two teenaged boys were onto of him. After Richie got off Will pushed Mike off. Will took a deep breath as he still layed there "holy shit I could barely breath" he finally said making the others laugh more. Mike smiled at Will before Richie nudging him
"What?" He whispered
"You're staring" he whispered as he teased making Mike blush
"i" he had to think "I just miss him" he softly whispered
"I know its hard,but its been like 3 months"
"He said he only wanted-to be friends"
"Thats hard, when someone you like just wants to stay as friends after having a relationship with them"
"Has that ever happen to you"
"Nope" "but it has happened with Bill and Bev, but Stan wanted him and got him. Got him out of his depression"
"Well that got deep" he laughed quietly and the others stopped laughing and Will standing.
"Hey Will what's that?" Stanley said
"Whats what?"
"That" he pointed at his necklace that was covered up the name WillByers.
"Oh this? Its just a necklace"
"Does it say anything?" Eddie asked
"Yeah Will Byers"
"Who gave it to you it looks nice" May said unhiding the necklaces words
"With a heart?" Max asked
"Ok, it was the only one that I was able to change the name" Mike lied
Everyone was confused
"It was just a gift, nothing strange about right?" Will broke the silence
"Yeah" "Yeah nothing strange about" he said slightly blushing
"Mike you are acting like theres something strange about this when there isnt" Will said trying to cover up Mikes bad lying job
"I'm sorry j-"
"Ok boys!" Steve yelled makinh everyone queit "whats the meaning of the necklace?"
"It's just a necklace from Mike" Will said
"Ok easy as that" Steve said proud of finishing the job.

Everyone lefted as it was getting late. Joanthan was staying later so Will was. The two boys are in the basement. Will was asleep, his head on Mikes lap who happens to also be asleep. Joanthan came down the stairs the see the two boys. He carefully woke Mike up, knowing if he woke Will up late at night he'll get scared.
"Jonathan?" Mike weakly asked
"I'm going to Will home,ok?"
"Ok bye. Goodnight" Mike said aa Jonathan picked Will up in his arms.
"Goodnight Mike" he said closing the basement door behind him. He got in the car and placed Will in the back across the seats. He carefully drove to their house.

Will woke up not in Mike's basement anymore. He was in his own room. He heard Jonathan and his mom talking, he got off his bed and walked out to see the two cleaning out the kitchen.
"What are you two doing?" He asked
"Oh Honey I need to tell you something"
"What is it?" He said still very tried
"We are Moving" Joyce said
Will woke up from those words. He was speechless, broken and hurt why wouldn't she tell him if he wanted that?
"What?" He finally said tears filling his eyes.

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